Romeo and Julien *Tyrus*

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"Today we are starting our Shakespeare unit,"The teacher stated.

The class groaned, TJ included.

"We will be putting on a production of Romeo and Juliet in partnership with the Drama class,"The teacher said.

Great, not only did they have to read a weird book by a dead guy, but they had to perform it with other people.

"I have assigned roles to people based on previous projects. The drama students will be the main parts but you will be in charge of explaining and running lines with them,"The teacher said,"During tomorrow's class everyone needs to report to the auditorium to start working."

The next day TJ made his way into the auditorium like his teacher had asked.

He immeadiatly spotted his least favorite person in the world.

Cyrus Goodman.

His parents were the reason his dad was an unemployed alcoholic and his mom had left

After his dad had been fired from working for Cyrus' dad's company, TJ's mother left while his father turned to alcohol.

TJ took a seat away from Cyrus but couldn't ignore the fact they might have to work together.

"Okay, so each English student will be paired with a drama students to run lines and give tips,"TJ's teacher said.

"As you know we have decided to do a genderbent version of the show to give the English students a writing challenge,"The drama teacher said,"Romina will be played by Miriam Lee and Julien will be played by Cyrus Goodman."

TJ growled.

Of course that brat was the lead.

"So, we have assigned the partners so listen up for your names. Today's goal is introductions and to begin running lines,"The English teacher said.

"Miriam you will be working with Jordan Gage, Cyrus you will be working with TJ Kippen,"The drama teacher started.

TJ stopped listening he just looked over to glare at the boy who glared back.

"Find your partner and start working,"The teacher instructed.

TJ didn't move, Cyrus came to him.

"Goodman,"TJ stated plainly.

"Look TJ, I'm just as excited about his as you are but don't ruin this for me. Can't we just put everything else behind us,"Cyrus asked.

TJ just grunted.

The boys reluctantly rehearsed over the first two weeks, having to change a couple things in the script to make.

There hadn't been much arguing, just small grunts here and there to show their hatred for the other.

To be honest Cyrus didn't hate TJ at all, it wasn't his fault about what his dad had done to Cyrus' parents.

And TJ didn't hate Cyrus, he hated his parents.

"Everyone needs to try and work outside of school, extra practice is needed to make this show great,"The drama teacher said.

"We can go to my house. My parents aren't home today,"Cyrus said.

"Probably for the best,"TJ stated.

After painfully working together for a couple weeks they realized that the other wasn't so bad.

They actually both enjoyed working together running lines and talking about the meanings behind them.

What was weird was they started hanging out at times, other than just to practice.

Andi Mack OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now