Whatttttt *Wonah*

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A/N: Another trailer like thing.

Jonah sat on a stool in a room, strumming his guitar and singing softly.

"No, that's not right,"He said after hitting a wrong note.

He kept singing and strumming, jotting notes in a journal.

"No, that's stupid. All of it is stupid,"Jonah complained.

"I thought it sounded really cool,"A boy said wandering into the room, Walker.

"Really,"Jonah asked looking up.

"Yeah,"Walker responded,"You can play, and you have a great voice.

"Thanks,"Jonah said,"Do you come to the shop often?"

"No, I just moved here and I was walking by,"Walker said,"I'm Walker by the way."

"Jonah,"Jonah responded.

Jonah, Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus sat out in a school courtyard, watching fellow students.

"I think somethings going on in Shady side,"Andi said,"Have you noticed how everyone seems so tired and exhausted lately."

"Not everyone, and that's normal for high school teenagers who stay up late on their phones,"Buffy said.

"But I mean, have you noticed how everyone seems to have lost part of themselves, like something or someone is draining them,"Andi asked.

"I think you're overthinking something Andi,"Cyrus said.

Jonah shrugged, strumming his guitar lightly.

He noticed a familiar face and ran off towards Walker.

"Walker,"He called out until the boy turned around.

"Jonah,"Walker said surprised.

"I haven't seen you around. I wanted to thank you for encouraging me the other day. I finished the song I was writing, do you want to hear it,"Jonah asked.

"Oh, that's very sweet of you,"Walked said.

Jonah smiled.

Walker suddenly shuttered and Jonah could of sworn his eyes flashed to a different color.

"You okay,"Jonah asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine,"Walker said brushing it off,"Bye Jonah."

Shadyside was getting worse.

Everyone was slowly getting more tired and some people started going into hospitals because they were "sick".

"What's happening guys,"Cyrus asked the group.

"I don't know, I don't know,"Buffy said.

Andi walked up to the group, her eyes drooped.

"Andi, are you alright,"Jonah asked.

"Yeah I'm fine,"Andi said.

She swayed a little before calling over, Jonah and Buffy thankfully catching her.

"Andi,"The group cheered when she opened her eyes.

"Hey,"She said weakly, still very tired.

"Andi, when did you start feeling like this,"Buffy asked.

"I-I don't really remember. I know that I was walking down the hall and there was some boy. Someone I didn't recognize and he was glowing, I think,"Andi said.

The group stared in shock.

"What,"Cyrus asked.

"I-I don't remember anything. Just that I didn't really recognize him,"Andi stated.

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