My Red String *Tyrus*

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Cyrus was sad.

He was now 18 and going to college but he hadn't found his soulmate yet.

Andi and Amber had found each other, Buffy and Marty had found each other, and Jonah and Walker had found each other.

Now they were all going to different colleges, splitting apart from each other.

Apparently, he had an invisible red string tied around his finger that connected him to his soulmate forever.

He couldn't see it or touch it but he knew he must have one.

When his friends first held hands with their soulmate the string appeared, tying them together, and then they turned the string into bracelets.

The group hugged their goodbyes before Cyrus got in his car and started driving to California.

He had chosen to go there because the community was accepting and creative.

When he arrived at his dormitory he found his room and started unloading the small amount of stuff he had.

He put it all on one half of the room, waiting for his roomate.

The door to the dorm opened and he looked up from the book he was reading.

"Sup,"The boy said.

He had dirty blonde hair that stood up with the help of a lot of hair gel.

He had an athletic build and hazel eyes.

"Hey,"Cyrus said,"I'm Cyrus."

"TJ,"The boy said.

It had been a couple months and Cyrus and TJ had talked and realized how much they liked hanging out with each other.

They would go out with some of TJ's friends that he would introduce Cyrus to or they would just chat in their dorm.

"So,"Cyrus said,"You know I'm here as a film major with a minor in business and your majoring in basketball but what's your minor?"

TJ looked down before saying,"Music, I'm minoring in music."

"Cool,"Cyrus said causing TJ to lift his head up,"What instrument do you play?"

"Piano,"TJ said.

"Really,"Cyrus exclaimed.

"What,"TJ asked.

"I just, I expected like electric guitar or the drums,"Cyrus said,"You just don't seem like a piano person."

"I've been taking lessons for as long as I can remember,"TJ said,"My parents love music. That's the reason behind my name."

"What, TJ,"Cyrus asked.

"What TJ stands for,"TJ said.

"And what would that be,"Cyrus asked curiosity moving to sit on TJ's bed with him.

TJ looked down nervously before looking back up.

"Thelonious Jagger,"TJ said and then looked down quickly. 

"I love it,"Cyrus said,"It's a great name."

Cyrus reached out his hand and took TJ's in his.

TJ looked up at him before they both looked down.

A red string connected each of their little fingers, causing each of them to immeadiatly blush.

"So,"Cyrus said,"Thelonious, would you like to go out on a date with me?"

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