Ferris Wheel *Ambi*

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"Amber, Amber come back, you, you snorpion,"Andi called as Amber ran away from the ferris wheel.

She had turned the corner when she heard police sirens and looked up at the glowing ferris wheel.

She ran back and pulled the lever,  getting Andi off of the ferris wheel.

"Come on, we need to hide,"Amber said as she found a little hiding spot behind some food carts that were all pushed around each other.

There was a small space to get in and out and they could both fit, hiding from anyone outside.

Andi, still mad but slightly happier that Amber had come back, stayed silent as they heard cops move around looking for them.

"What about in here,"A cop said getting close to them and they could see the light coming through the hole they came through.

"Nah, those are locked plus no one could fit through those holes,"Another cop said.

"You're right,"The first one responded as the light moved.

The cops moved away and they waited until they heard the cars pull away to climb out of the hiding spot.

Andi immeadiatly started walking but Amber chased after her.

"Andi, I'm sorry,"Amber said.

"Yeah, sorry for leaving me at the top of the ferris wheel and to the cops,"Andi said.

"I was having fun but then Jonah called you and I got all jealous,"Amber said,"I mean his contact picture is of you two hugging and I just got angry."

"You still like Jonah, don't you,"Andi said.

"No,"Amber said.

Andi quickly spun around to look at her.

"Does that mean that you like me,"Andi asked.

Amber nodded.

"I-I like you too Amber. Or I like the person I know you can be,"Andi said.

Amber looked up and smiled.

"So, will you go out with me,"Amber asked.

"I want to wait for you to be more ready. You need to be less jealous and not so mean all the time,"Andi said,"Then I'll go out with you."

"Not jealous, and not mean,"Amber repeated,"Got it."

The next day Andi met Buffy, Cyrus, and Jonah at the Spoon.

Amber happily walked over to their table.

"Hi guys. Welcome back. What can I get for everyone,"Amber said happiky,"Cyrus, I'm guessing your usual."

Cyrus nodded and then they got another plate of baby taters for the table.

Amber then walked away and went to put their orders in.

"She seems especially happy and nice today,"Cyrus said.

"Yeah, what happened last night Andi,"Buffy asked.

Andi just shurgged, smiling a little bit.

"Let's just say I found a reason for Amber to be a little nicer to us."

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