Believe *Tyrus*

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Every night, every day, how about every lifetime?
Yeah, I know what they say, and that's fine

TJ followed as Cyrus was pulled into the room.

"TJ,"Cyrus called weakly reaching out his hand.

"It's okay Cyrus, I'm here. I'm right here,"TJ said clutching his hand tightly.

'Cause I'm here to stay through the good and the bad times
Babe, you send me to space and you're mine, yeah

"We need to put him under anesthetics so we can start the surgery,"A nurse said,"You have to leave."

"No, I can't leave him. I need to be here for him,"TJ argued.

"You can come and see him after the surgery is over,"A nurse said.

TJ leaned down next to Cyrus and whispered.

"I'll be right here when you wake up. I promise. Everything is going to be alright,"TJ said.

Cyrus weakly nodded and TJ let go of his hand leaving the room.

Well, call me crazy
And people saying that we move too fast
But I've been waiting, and for a reason
Ain't no turning back

"TJ,"Buffy called coming into the wiring room where he was pacing,"What happened?"

"Cyrus, he got hit by a car and he's having a surgery down right now and...,"TJ was hyperventilating.

Buffy ran to the bathroom like she was going to be sick.

Andi sat down in disbelief, TJ continued pacing and tugging at his hair.

'Cause you show me something I can't live without
I believe, I believe, I believe

Cyrus' two sets of parents rushed into the room a while later.

A nurse stopped by and explained that he was in surgery and they would be able to see him soon.

"TJ, dear. What happened,"Cyrus' mother asked.

"It's all my fault I'm so sorry,"TJ said,"We decided to tell my parents we were dating and they started yelling at us so we ran and my dad chased us in the car and tried to hit me but Cyrus pushed me out of the way and my dad hit him pretty hard."

Cyrus' mom pulled TJ into her tightly.

"It is not your fault TJ,"She said.

"None of us are blaming you for what happened to Cyrus,"Cyrus' step-dad said.

When you hold me, it's like Heaven coming down
I believe, I believe, I believe

A nurse ushered the parents over to her to discuss about what was happening.

TJ anxiously paced while tugging at his hair.

"He's still asleep but people can come and see him now just not all at once. Family first,"A nurse said.

Cyrus' father pulled TJ with them and said,"You are family."

Everywhere that I go, feeling you all around me
Now that I got you close, I'm alright

Cyrus lay motionless except for breathing on the bed.

TJ ran and sat in the chair next to the bed gripping Cyrus' hand.

"He's going to be okay TJ,"Cyrus' step-mom said.

TJ looked at the boy lying in the bed.

This wasn't the same boy that he had been with earlier.

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