No Longer A Fifth Wheel *Ambi*

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Andi made her way to sit on a log facing the lake.

She stared out at her friends having a great time on the lake.

"Hey,"A voice said from behind her.

"Amber,"Andi questioned after turning around to see Amber,"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here spending time with my family,"Amber said sitting next to Andi.

"Why are you over here,"Amber asked,"Instead of out there?"

"Well, it takes two to canoe,"Andi said.

"Well, I have an idea,"Amber said.

"What,"Andi asked.

"Come with me,"Amber said grabbing Andi's hand and pulling her through the trees.

She found her way to the main part of the park and dragged Andi towards a big oak tree.

"Let's climb it,"Andi said.

"Really,"Andi said.

"Yup,"Amber said beginning to climb. When she reached a good hold she offered Andi her hand.

Once they had both climbed up the tree they sat next to each other on a branch.

Andi looked around at the park. There was a playground and a basketball court.

"Is that TJ,"Andi asked pointing at a figure on the court.

"Oh yeah. I told you my family was here,"Amber said.

"TJ is your brother,"Andi exclaimed.

"Yeah,"Amber said.

"Cyrus would probably hop out of the canoe and swim to the shore if he knew TJ was here,"Andi said.

"Why can't they just tell each other they like each other. It's so obvious to everyone but them,"Amber said.

"I think Cyrus is worried TJ won't ever talk to him again if he comes out. But he got over his crush on Jonah could suggest to TJ to ask him out,"Andi suggested.

"I'll try, but I don't think we should tell TJ Cyrus is here. TJ will freak out at Cyrus seeing him without hair gel,"Amber said.

Andi laughed.

"Okay, so now that we have a plan. Why didn't you tell your friends you wanted to go canoeing,"Amber asked.

"I would have but I'm the fifth wheel. Buffy is with Walker and Jonah is trying to get Cyrus to step outside his comfort zone,"Andi said.

"Well, do you want to stay the fifth wheel,"Amber asked.

"No, of course not but,"Andi starts.

"Well, then I'm here. Come on. Let's go canoe,"Amber says squeezing Andi's hand she's been holding this whole time.

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