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The evening came in the town of Encanto, yellow lanterns started to lighten the dark streets and the cheery laughs of the people from the town can be heard from the second floor of la casa madrigal.

The wind gently carried the amusing whisper of the townspeople towards you, their playful bantering sound like a music to your ears.

This is the first time that you have seen a cheerful and lovely town, the smile on their faces looked so bright compared to the scowl and frown of the town people from your island.

The wind blew, kissing your skin softly and you couldn't help but let a small smile appear on your face, finally feeling the peace that you wanted.

Your [color] eyes lowered down on the path towards the town, your heart yearned to be free, away from the suffocating chains of your father but if you disobeyed him, the possibility of your sisters being dead will increased.

"Sis?" You perked up at the sound of your little sisters voice calling out to you.

"I'm over here." You whispered, the floor underneath started to glow a light blue as a trail of ice made a path to you.

Irisia and Jasmine emerged from the corner, their eyes looking down at the ice trail that you have made then their eyes brightened up when they saw you leaning over to the railings.

"There you are!" Jasmine whispered in glee, the teddy bear that you made for her is in her arms.

"We were so worried, we thought that you already ran away without us." Irisia stated, the playful tone on her voice can be detected as she made her way over to you.

"I can't do that, idiot." You chuckled, you turned your head away from them, looking back to the lively town of Encanto.

Jasmine and Irisia stayed quiet about that statement, the two of them leaning into your sides while wrapping their arms around your body.

They love you, with all their heart. After your mother had passed away, you stood as their second parent— as a mom even though you're their oldest sister. At the age of 12, you learned how to take care of your two younger sisters because you know that your father wouldn't do that.

He became too busy to assist different ruthless presidents to rule over a country, his greediness only grew and grew.

"We're sorry.." Irisia whispered, her eyes are glistening with tears before they fell down to her cheeks while she tightened her arms around you.

You wanted to cry too, but you need to stay strong infront of your sisters, you don't want them to see you on your vulnerable state because it will just make a storm appear which you want to avoid the most.

"Because of us.. Your freedom got taken away from you." Her voice cracked while burying her face on your shoulder.

Your cousins and sisters knew about the deal between you and your father, the two of you are telling at the top of your lungs to not be heard. They knew that you agreed so they'll be safe, they knew that you agreed so they can chase and pursue their dream.

But what's the point of that if the most important person in their life isn't happy?

Jasmine buried her face on your stomach, the emotions of her big sisters are mainly focused on pain and sadness, she can feel it strongly which made her cry the hardest out of the two of them.

"It's okay." You mused, a small and gentle smile on your face as you caressed both of their heads.

"I'll be fine, I agreed with my own will so you two don't need to feel bad." You stated, ruffling their [color] hairs which made their tears stopped to fall but their arms are still tight around you, afraid to let go.

The three of you continued to enjoy the peaceful silence and atmosphere of the night.

— [ ☘︎ ] —

The sun shine a little less bright the next day while the dark clouds lingered in the sky, threatening to have a rain fall down to their town.

Your family stood infront of you, your cousins and sisters stayed silent for a while, not wanting to look at you and cry.

You sighed deeply before humming, catching their attention and the Madrigals.

"When the light is running low." You started to sing, taking a step forward to your little sisters and grasping their hands with yours before lifting them up in the air with a strong yet soft gust of wind.

"And the shadow starts to grow." You turned to your cousins, giving them a smile before lifting them up in the air just like what you did to your little sisters.

"And the places that you know seems like fantasy.." You continued, a series of laugh broke from their mouth when you started to circle them around in the air softly.

"There's a light inside your soul, that's still shining in the cold." You smiled upon hearing their cheery laughter, a wide smiles on their lips as you continued to make them danced around.

"And the truth, the promise in our hearts.." Slowly, you pulled them in closer to you before putting them on the ground.

You walked over to your little sisters, a gentle and sweet smile can be seen on your face before pulling them in a hug.

"Don't forget.. I'm with you in the dark.."

You let go of them, your father quickly surrounded them with a black glow before all of them vanished in your sight.

You couldn't help the tear slip from your eyes, the special place in your heart seem to feel empty upon hearing their quiet cries in the air.

The soft whispers of your little sisters lingered and you made sure to cherish it.

"[Name]?" You heard Dolores called out to you, the tear that slipped from your eye turned into an ice once it dropped on the ground, you turned around, face void of emotion once again.

"Let me introduce myself properly this time." You stated, the adults had already gone back inside while the grandchildren are forced to keep you company.

"My name is [Full name], wind and ice as my gift, it's nice meeting you all." You said, your voice lack of any emotion.

They all shivered from how cold your tone is, each of them has their own thoughts about you and surely, all of them are not negative.

Camilo couldn't believe that from all of the people to choose for him to marry, his grandmother picked you? An emotionless mannequin with a destructive gifts?

Both your and his eyes met, one held hatred on them while one held nothing. Just dull, dark and lifeless pair of [color] eyes are staring back at him.

He doesn't know if he can marry you, let alone live his whole life with you. The thought of him doing that left a bitter taste in his mouth and he hates it.

He turned around, walking away from you. He'll make sure that you'll hate him at the end of the month, he'll make you hate him so much that you wouldn't want to marry him.

Because, he'd rather marry someone else than a lifeless person.

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