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You couldn't think straight at the moment, your mind kept thinking about the woman you saw two days ago, and the fact that she wasn't with her twin confused you the most.

Dannia and Samuel are always together, their eyes would glow a color of purple if they were using their gifts so why are her eyes glowing a color grey? The words she mouthed to you.

"Careful, you might get hurt."

What does it mean? Why would you get hurt? Who would hurt you? You obeyed your father's demand and married a madrigal, surely, he wouldn't hurt you anymore right? He wouldn't hurt your sisters or your cousins, right? You knew that you did what he wants so why does seeing Dannia in Encanto scare you? Why does seeing your cousin in the magical town of Encanto would make you uneasy?

Just when you felt the feeling of being happy and free.. Why does the universe hate you that you have to suffer like this? Is being happy the wrong thing now? Is it bad to be selfish in the presence of people who welcomed you without any hesitation?

You pursed your lips as you kept thinking of the worst-case scenario that could happen with your father involved. If he finally lost his mind and used your cousins against you then you're surely in danger.

You let out a sigh, burying your face on your husband's shoulder and the man being oblivious about the incident earlier could only caress your head as he continued to eat the arepa that his Tia cooked. Even though he asked what made your mood drop, you would just shake him off and continue to brain rot.

"You should just tell me what's going on inside that pretty head of yours, mi amor," Camilo commented when he saw your brows furrowed even further.

"I'm sure it's nothing bad. What are you even thinking to the point that you'll surrender yourself to stress like this?" He asked, caressing your [color] locks gently to soothe your uneasy nerves.

You let out a sigh, [color] eyes flickering to glance at the handsome face of your husband who stared back at you with a loving and worried look behind his hazel eyes. His lips curled up into a small smile when you leaned your head to his touch which made the butterfly flutter inside his stomach happily.

"What would you do for yourself if you were ever forced to be a sacrificial person to protect someone you love?" The question that left your mouth made him tilt his head.

"What would I do?" He closed his eyes and thought about you as he let out a wider smile on his handsome features, "I'll be happy to die for them."

He turned his head to you and dipped in, his lips catching yours in a very quick yet reassuring kiss before he pulled back to look at your now, annoyed expression, he couldn't stop the snicker that escaped from his lips as you shove his face away from yours.

"I'll be more than happy to protect you, mi amor." The shapeshifter snickered once more when he saw that your glare only worsen.

"Don't kiss me out of nowhere just to annoy me." You sighed deeply but licked your lips to taste the sweetness that he left because of the arepa he ate.

"And why would you protect them? I also didn't say that I'm the one whom you need to protect, idiot." You sighed while reaching out to pat his head and he happily leaned his head to your hand.

He gave you a smile, the same smile he'll use to give you just to tease the hell out of you, he turned his head to the side then he kissed your palm and his smile only widened when he saw how you averted your gaze.

"Mi amor, I don't know why you're asking me these questions but I want you to know that I won't exchange you for anything and anyone else." Camilo held your hand gingerly, his lips trailing kisses from you palm up to your arm before he pushed you down on the bed.

He don't want to make you irritated again but he just can't restrain himself from annoying the hell out of you, you just look so adorable for him.

He wrapped his arms around you and gave your body a reassuring squeeze as well as a kiss on top of your head, "No matter what happens, nothing and no one will hurt you if they tried to do something."

His words sounded so sincere that it made your heart beat calm down, you trust his unspoken promise and the heaviness on your shoulders slowly fade away and you're more than happy to succumb to the warmth he gives.

His lips curled up in another smile, his eyes observing every detail on your face as your eyelids flutter close with your arms wrapping around him as well.

He doesn't need to say it out loud but he did let his actions show it, he knew that you're already catching up to the subtle hints that he will drop, heck, he even said it out loud when the two of you drink the toxic liquid.

He left a kiss on your forehead, seeing that you already fell asleep on his embrace.

He stood up from the bed that you two shared, his eyes trailing on your peaceful expression as he drape the soft blanket on your body. He doesn't want to let you catch a cold just because you weren't between his arms.

He walked over to the door, his hand outstretched as he opened it and he quietly stopped outside.

The chilly breeze of the night greeted his skin, it made him feel a shiver down his spine as he covered himself with his arms and pulling the yellow ruana widely to at least give him warm that he needed.

He wanted to have some fresh air, you looked so troubled and uneasy ever since you came back from the bookstore, you haven't had enough sleep for the past two days so it worried him.

He let out a huff, his hazel eyes flickering at the sky. The atmosphere around him is quiet and scary but nonetheless, it's enough to make him calm.

"Camilo?" The said man jumped from his spot and he quickly spun around to look at owner of the voice.

He visibly relaxed when he saw Antonio, but he raised his eyebrow in confusion when he saw his little brother's eyes glowed a color grey for a moment.

He blinked slowly, rubbing his eyelids and surely enough, Antonio's eyes aren't grey anymore. He smiled at the youngest madrigal and ushered for him to get closer which Antonio happily do so.

I'm probably just tired. He thought to himself.

— [ ☘︎ ] —

Last chapter for today, promise!

I hope y'all liked this one<3

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