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The atmosphere inside the church is pleasant and cheery. The townsfolk didn't know that an [L/n] would get married to their babysitter from Madrigal, they just thought that the bride is a foreigner that came from another country but nonetheless, they were more than happy to know that the two couple loves each other.

"Now, that I have everyone's attention. Let us begin." The priest smiled widely before turning his attention to you and to your groom.

Your hand tighten around Camilo's out of nervousness, you inhaled sharply trying to calm yourself as you feel the frostbites creeping in your fingertips.

The priest didn't waste anytime to say his speech, the laws of marrying someone, the consequences of betraying your spouse and the responsibilities of coming with it.

Hearing his words made you anxious, you're marrying Camilo because you needed to, you're marrying the man beside you because you were forced to. You didn't marry the Madrigal because you love him, no. It's far from that, you're just using him to keep your little sisters safe.

And somehow, that made you guilty and regret about your actions, but you can't back out now.

"Now, do you, Camilo Madrigal, take [Full name] as your lawfully wedded wife?" The man infront of you smiled as he stared at your groom.

"I do." Camilo breathed out softly.

The priest then turned his attention to you, a wide smile adoring his elderly features seeing your beauty.

Camilo got himself a beautiful woman. The old man couldn't help but chuckle.

"Do you, [Full name], accept Camilo Madrigal as your lawfully wedded husband?" You tightened your grip on the shapeshifter's hand to steady your breathing.

"I do." You murmured, luckily, loud enough for the priest and your groom to hear it.

Camilo squeezed your hand reassuringly, you didn't look at him because the guilt and dejection inside your chest will only worsen if you saw his face.

"Speak now, or forever hold your peace!" The priest yelled, eyes scanning the whole room to look out for any objections.

The people around the two of you stayed quiet, waiting for someone to ruin the wedding but to your surprise, Camilo didn't say anything and just stayed quiet.

You were expecting him to object somehow, especially when you saw him kept chasing after Maria ever since you arrived in Encanto, you were just relieved that he didn't do it because your father would surely cause a scene and you don't want that.

"No one? Good." The priest let out a sigh of relief before turning to Antonio, motioning for him to get closer so the two of you can take the rings.

The youngest madrigal giggled, his arms outstretched to you. You could only smile at his excitement before taking the ring from the fluffy looking pillow.

The shapeshifter did the same and the two of you faced each other, warm and gentle hazel orbs colliding with your distressed [color] ones.

"Slip the rings and say your vows, mija, mijo." The priest whispered.

Camilo is the first to take your shaking hand with his, a smile appearing on his lips as he gingerly slipped the ring to your ring finger. His thumb caressed the back of your hand while staring at you.

"I, Camilo Madrigal, take you, [Full name], to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer." The shapeshifter inhaled, heart beating fast inside his chest.

He doesn't know why he's nervous, this wedding is just for show, just to make his grandmother happy, just to keep parents happy and yet, why do he feel the words that he's saying from his heart?

It was as if he's saying the words because he love you even though he knows that the person he love isn't you, so why?

"In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part and I pledge to you my faithfulness, mi amor." Camilo smiled bitterly.

He didn't expect himself to utter those words to someone he doesn't love, he had dream of marrying someone that he held dearly inside his heart but look at him right now.

He's standing in front of his bride, the woman who's about to become his wife, the woman who he is going to spend his life with, the woman that he can't somehow bring himself to love.

He's uttering the words that he was supposed to say towards Maria Valentina, but why are you the one in front of him?

Hos heart clenched painfully inside his chest when you brought up his hand, you grazed his finger with so much gentle and care, it almost made him want to run away from you.

Then a tear slipped from his eye when you finally slipped the ring in his finger.

"I, [Full name], take you, Camilo Madrigal, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward." Your grip on his hand tightened slightly.

"For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish." You smiled, the kind of smile that look so cold and empty.

The words you have said, left a bitter taste inside your mouth, it made your stomach churn in so much sadness and pain.

Your chest felt so heavy with guilt and pain because you know that after you utter the last words, you'll be a Madrigal, not a [Last name] anymore. You'll be wedded to the shapeshifter infront of you.

"Till death do us apart.. And I pledge to you my faithfulness." You murmured.

The priest smiled widely, the sight of Camilo tearing up made him think that he's so happy to the point it brought him to tears.

"Well then!" The old man inhaled while his daek eyes sparkling with excitement, "You may kiss the bride!"

Camilo forced himself to wrap his arm around your waist, he made sure that it would look like he was excited to kiss you while you on the other hand wrapped your arms around his neck.

The shapeshifter dipped in, his lips catching yours.

The crowd cheered happily, whistling and yelling loudly as the bell ringed above them to informed that there's a newlywed in their lovely and happy town.

Camilo wanted to marry the woman he loved for years but he couldn't, he sacrificed something for the sake of his family's happiness, for the magic and for the town.

You wanted to be free, you wanted to go on adventure and explore the outside world, you wanted to meet new people and experience different kind of things.

The two of you sacrificed yourselves for your family's own good.

You married him to protect your little sisters while he married you to make his family proud.

The two of you couldn't do anything but just stood there, watching the others with smiles and tears streaming down your cheeks as they cheered happily for both of your sakes.

This was supposed to be a happy day because it's your wedding day and yet it filled both of your hearts with so sadness, heaviness and agony.

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I have NO idea what do people do in wedding, I had to research about this but I still couldn't take a grasp of it so I'm sorry if this isn't good!

I hope all of you enjoyed and liked this one though!

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