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One more week before the designated day to marry the oldest grandson of the Madrigal.

The dreadful feeling filled your entire being and it caused for your whole room to freeze with thicker ice, it was too cold for a human and it will burn the skin of whoever idiot that will try to touch it.

"Ouch!" The familiar voice of your future husband came the other side of your bedroom door which was followed by a loud slam and a multiple pained groans.

"Who placed this layer of ice here?!" Camilo grunted out, standing up while rubbing his head and elbow.

He was just about to go down the stairs when he didn't notice the slippery slope of ice on the tiles of Casita which resulted for him to land on the floor roughly.

When he didn't receive any response, he just continued down the stairs while muttering incoherent words under his breath.

He was about to marry the woman he don't like next week and it's making him stressed out, there wasn't much interaction between the two of them and that fact is starting to worry him.

He also hasn't seen the said woman for four days straight ever since you left him up in the air, he hasn't seen a piece of your hair anywhere.

You also wouldn't join them for any meals and he knew that you grew to love his Tia's cooking so it was kind of weird for him to not see you on the table, by his side but he just shrug it off before continuing on his day while convincing himself that you're successfully avoiding him.

But that thought left a sting on his chest.

He planned to make you uncomfortable around him and he successfully did so, right? Then why is he feeling so restless by not seeing you anywhere? He couldn't even see you playing with the kids anymore. Maria wouldn't stop bugging him for your whereabouts.

He tried asking Dolores about it but she'll just reply to him with the same sentence of, "She's inside of a very cold place." Before letting out a squeak and walking away from him.

His mother is worried too, for some reason, his mother took a liking towards you and wouldn't stop blabbering about you which made him even more irritated but he doesn't want to accidentally lash out at his mother so he always excuse himself away from her.

Now that the wedding day is getting near, he need to look for you as soon as possible but you're nowhere to be found.

"WHERE IN THE ENCANTO ARE YOU, [FULL NAME]?!" Camilo screamed on top of his lungs.

You only frowned when you heard his voice, is he that dumb to not even check your room if you're there? Or has he forgotten that you have your temporary room before you have to move in with him?

Nonetheless, he still made you irritated.

You don't want to marry someone dumb, you don't want to marry a stranger who would do anything just to ruin your day. You didn't want to freeze him everyday but if you didn't then you'll end up with an empty stomach.

You sighed deeply, eyes flickering to the rat plushie and the green ruana at the end of your bed.

You crawled to the spot and grasp the plushie in your hand, the frown on your face seem to be temporarily there since you can't stop it.

You quickly stripped from your skirt and decided to wear a black pants, you took off your (color) blouse next and slipped on a white buttoned up shirt before putting on the green ruana.

The immediate warmth it gave made you relax, the ice around you slowly disappeared until it was just a couple floating snowflakes around.

"No more sulking." You murmured, you crawl out of bed and slipped the rat plushie around your waist.

Since you're sure that you won't be able to do anything once you got married to Camilo then you'd rather spend the remaining days by yourself, enjoying and relaxing before the big day.

"It's been a while since I go all out." A rush of adrenaline filled your veins, rushing out of your temporary wood, you immediately held out your hand and the path in front of you got covered in ice.

You slid against the slippery cold layer, the snowflakes that dropped on the floor and railings covered the spot with several layers of ice then you gladly slid down the railings.

Your heart beat faster inside your chest, the adrenaline pumping through your veins while you rushed out of la casa madrigal.

"WHOOOO!" Camilo shot up from his spot when he heard your voice, it was full of joy and excitement.

He ran towards the direction where your voice came from and saw that you were covering the path of Casita with ice, it was emitting a glow of blue before it quickly vanished.

He opened his mouth to yell but immediately shut himself up when you jumped up and flew in the air, arms spread wide and a large smile on your face.

Wait. He stiffened from his spot, his eyes glued to your form as you continued flying around. Shooting snowflakes up in the air and whirling around while laughing heartily.

She's smiling.. He mused in his mind, this is the first time that he saw a smile on your face. You weren't wearing the same blank expression but instead, your (color) eyes glistened with a warm emotion.

The familiar green ruana fluttered behind you, his hazel eyes caught the view of the plushie on your waist and he couldn't but let a smile crept up to his face.

Still a child at heart,huh? An amused chuckle elicited from his throat.

"Dolores! Mami!" Upon hearing you shout their names, Camilo watched as you lifted the two women on the air before twirling them around causing a few squeal to be heard from them but then series of laughter soon followed.

Pepa seem to say something to you which caused you to brightened up more then he saw you move your hand before the three of you moved across the air towards the forest, disappearing from his sight.

You looked so happy and content with all that flying around, he felt the sudden rush of relief run through his body and he finally let out the breath he was unconsciously holding back.

He didn't know why he was relief after a few days of not seeing you around the Casita, but after taking a good look of your smile gave him a boost of serotonin.

Maybe- just maybe. Camilo took one last look from where you were just flying a minute ago before stepping back inside his home.

She weren't bad after all.

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