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"So they want us to stay for a week in this town?" You asked for tenth time towards your husband, bewilderment showed on your expression.

"Yes, we are staying here." Camilo groaned and picked up your bag from the ground before grasping your hand with his then he started walking, pulling you along with him.

He doesn't understand why you were so shock upon seeing the colorful entrance of the town, it's not like it's something new for you considering that you came from a powerful and wealthy family.

You must've traveled around the world once in a while since your father is a well-known man to another powerful local from different countries.

So why? Why do you look so excited and happy just by seeing the colorful lanterns, the weird masks hanging on the walls, the different kind of foods on the stall— which is he can understand why, but still, why do you look like it was your first time seeing this kind of things?

He sighed softly and decided to just drop the question, his eyes landed on the nearest cottage that Alma and [F/n] rented for a whole week for the two of you.

"Oh my goodness!" You exclaimed in excitement when you saw a different kind of treats, breads and candies near the cottage.

Camilo raised a brow at your weird behavior and only tighten his hold on your hand before you could sprint away from him, he doesn't want to lose you on your first day here in the town. He'd rather relax, stay at home, maybe go around the town, read different kind of adventurous books and then after a week, the two of you will go home.

"[Name]. Please change from mami's wedding dress before you start going around like an excited and lost kid." The shapeshifter sighed.

That surely shut you up and made you go back to your blank and stoic expression. You cleared your throat before you pushed past him to go inside the colorful cottage and left him outside the door to carry all the heavy bags by himself.

He groaned, internally punching himself. "Great. You made her upset."

He opened the door once again, his hand gripping the handle of your bag tightly as he stepped inside the cozy home, his eyes caught your excited form, looking around, a large smile on your face and [color] eyes sparkling with wonder and joy.

His heart swelled with warm and fuzzy feeling as he watch you eagerly opening each door, he somehow like the quiet gasp that would escape your lips if you saw something you like.

Adorable. He bemused to himself, he realized what he just thought and shook his head to remove it from his head.

He didn't say anything and just quietly went to the back where the three bedrooms reside, he doesn't know if you'll want to sleep on the same bed with him so he dropped your stuff on the empty room right next to him.

He jumped on the bed, face buried on the soft mattress and covering his head with the fluffy pillow. He felt his body relaxed and the peaceful silence is trying to pull him to sleep.

"Madrigal! I'm gonna go out!" Upon hearing hour statement which made him quickly got off from the bed then he heard your heavy footsteps run across the hall towards the door.

"Wait! We need to go out together!" He run out of his supposedly bedroom and caught you opening the front door.

He let out a sigh of relief and that made you shot him a confused look, eyebrows raising and lips pursed as you stare at his distressed appearance.

"You haven't changed your clothes though?" You stated and a groan soon followed, the eagerness that you are feeling are pumping through your veins.

This is your first time in another colorful and cheerful town that's why you wanted to look around as soon as possible, you were already listing all the things that you want to do but your husband isn't even ready yet.

"Uhh.. Be patient and wait here for a minute, I'll be quick!" The shapeshifter turned to his heels and run back to his room, he slammed his bedroom door close.

You begrudgingly closed the front door as well and leaned against it while waiting for Camilo, you can hear the laughter and the smell of the food lingered in the air.

You're slowly getting impatient and annoyed, he said to wait give him a minute but you know it's already passed one minute. Out of your annoyance and frustration, the floor slowly got covered with a thin layer of ice and the frostbites slowly crept up to your skin once again.

"Okay! I'm done— holy madre of arepa, why is our floor covered with ice?!" Camilo stared wide eyes at the wood underneath his sandals.

He felt the chilly breeze brushed past against his skin and it made him involuntarily shivered as he took a step closer to your form at the front door, annoyance and slight anger showed behind those [color] eyes of yours while you followed his every movement.

"Geez, why are you so snappy?" He murmured, grasping your freezing hand with his warm ones before he opened the door then he pulled you out of the house.

"I told you to be patient, we have a whole week for ourselves in here so calm down." He stated, squeezing your hand reassuringly to make sure that you got his point.

He didn't receive any response from you which made him look back at you, a smile made its way to his lips when he saw you admiring the food stall right next to the cottage that you two just exited.

"You want to have a taste of that?" He pulled you towards the stall, eyes glued to your face as he wait for a reaction and you didn't disappoint him.

A large, happy and warm smile appeared on your face which it quickly adorned your beautiful features, eyes sparkling with joy and excitement as you gripped his hand tightly.

"Yeah!" The eagerness on your voice and the giggles, that followed after your response, escaped from your lips made his heart skip a beat.

Heat covered his cheeks and it spread across his whole face, he quickly averted his eyes from your face because the longer he stared at you, the more he thought that you're beautiful for his eyes.

His heart is beating so fast, its pounding inside his chest roughly and he felt like it will explode from the nervousness yet warm and fuzzy feeling.

He gripped his yellow ruana, the spot where his heart can be felt. He doesn't know why he's reacting like this just by seeing your smile.

Maria haven't gave him this kind of feeling, he felt like this is rather worse than the ones he felt with her, he's unfamiliar with this feeling. It scares him but somehow, he wanted to feel it more.

He slowly looked back at you, his eyes scanning your face that looked so cheerful and lovely for him while you kept tugging on his hand as you two stood infront of the stall.

He doesn't know what is he feeling but he doesn't hate it. If eating food that you love would make the same loving smile appear on your face then he would do it countless of times to see it again.

— [ ☘︎ ] —

Fluff after the previous angsty chapters.

I hope y'all like this one!

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