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"Let us go, Luisa!" Camilo practically begged, his hand were trembling against Mirabel's hand out of fear.

The three of them flinched when Luisa emerged from the green bushes with a large boulder on her shoulders, they can see how her dark eyes glowed a bright gray which is the same as Dannia's eyes.

"No." The buff woman answered and got into stance to throw the rock towards them, the three, frightened and anxious Madrigals were quick to react again.

Dolores pushed the two aside and Camilo had to cover his sister's stomach to avoid any injury, Mirabel noticed this and left her eyes staring at them in shock when she clicked the small dots together.

"You're pregnant!?" She whispered, hands grasping Dolores's shoulders to keep the woman on the ground so Luisa wouldn't see them from her spot.

Dolores could only let out a squeak and nod her head before they crawled further through the bushes, Camilo and Mirabel are careful around the pregnant woman so she wouldn't get hurt.

"Luisa! What's taking you so long?" A feminine voice echoed in the air making them crawl faster and quieter.

The three of them nestled under a large tree which is surrounded with a few rocks and tall bushes, each of them covered their mouth as they try to catch their breathes through their noses.

"Sorry, Hermana. They're quite persistent." Luisa responded with a firm voice, a rock being crashed reached their ears and Dolores tugged their clothes before they started crawling away even more.

"Dannia's calling. You need to catch them." Isabella's voice sounded annoyed and exhausted, "Especially Camilo. She was so mad after she found out that [name] is pregnant."

Luisa let out a grunt, lifting a couple of large boulders then she threw it over her shoulders which landed near of the three hiding Madrigals, they jumped from their spot. Eyes staring wide at the rocks that almost hit them.

"Yeah. She got cranky." The buff woman agreed.

There wasn't any sound that came after Luisa's response, the three of them could only hear their ragged breathes and their loud heartbeats that were pounding roughly inside their chest as they try to be sneaky as much as possible, they slipped on another large tree and managed to take a quick glance on Luisa's hunched figure on the opposite side.

"I found them." Isabella called out.

Their eyes widened once again, heart beating harder and rougher out of fear when Isabella wrapped a couple of vines on their body then the fact that it was full of thorns too, made Camilo and Mirabel worried for Dolores.

"Ah." Luisa stopped herself from breaking another boulder and she turned around to look at the three terrified Madrigals that was lifted in the air by Isabella's vines, "There you guys are. I had some trouble because the three of you are quite persistent about leaving Encanto."

"They can't leave. Dannia will be mad-" The oldest granddaughter jumped from her spot when a large amount of sand had cover her and Luisa's view from Camilo, Mirabel and Dolores.

"She can be mad as much as she wants!" Jasmine's voice resonated in the air then she landed gracefully on the ground, her dark brown eyes glaring at Isabella and Luisa.

She raised her hand then some of the sand had separate themselves from the others and they quickly took form of a spear, Jasmine flicked her wrist and the vines around the three uncontrolled Madrigals were cut off to small pieces.

"Jasmine-" Camilo teared up, his hand reaching out for the young lady but he was stopped when Dolores gripped his arm.

"She's fine.." The youngest [last name] sounded uncertain which made the shapeshifter stiffened in worry and fright, not for him or his sister, but for you.

The four of them snapped their attention towards Luisa and Isabella when the two let out an annoyed groans once the sand had subside. Their eyes glaring at Jasmine and she gladly glared back.

"I can't believe that Isabella got controlled too, she seem strong enough to fight off Dannia's ability." The little lady shook her head and she took a step closer to the shapeshifter.

"Hold my hand." She murmured then Dolores gripped Mirabel's hand and she tightened her hold on Camilo's arm who held Jasmine's hand, "Hold on, this will be quite rough."

Jasmine stomped her left foot, the hard and solid surface underneath Luisa and Isabella turned into a liquid which made them submerged onto the ground. They tried to struggle against the liquidized surface but it only caused them to submerge even further.

"Tell my cousin that she's a bitch." Jasmine hissed out before flickering her wrist.

The small pieces from the boulders that Luisa broke had floated in the air and it fell down around the two of them which somehow locked them in place while the large amount of sand that appeared out of nowhere surrounded Jasmine and the three Madrigals behind her.

Isabella and Jasmine stared at each other's eyes with anger and hatred before the sand had completely covered the four of them, it deflates a little before it expanded and explode, the sand littered around their surroundings.

Luisa and Isabella had to cover their face to avoid the sands from going inside their eyes but when they open their eyelids, Jasmine and the others were already gone.

"Mierda!" The oldest granddaughter cussed out stomping her foot on the now, normal dirty ground which caused for cactuses to sprout from the ground.

— [ ☘︎ ] —

"We should be fine from this distance." Jasmine muttered.

The sand circled around them like barrier but they knew that they were somehow moving because it was just dark, quite noisy and rough from the inside.

"Where are we exactly?" Mirabel asked, the courage she gad a while ago vanished when Jasmine's eyes glowed a violet.

"Going to somewhere safe." She answered then she turned to Dolores, "I hope you dont mind me using your emotion as our light."

The shapeshifter glanced to his sister who only nodded her head, her arms wrapped tightly around herself because of the anxiety that covered her whole being. Dolores flinched slightly when she felt that something was being sucked out of her, she glanced towards Jasmine who let out an approval hum then a purple glow emerged from her palm which illuminated their dark surroundings.

"Are we.." Camilo inhaled sharply with his hazel eyes widening at the sight of the rocky walls outside the orbital sand, there wasn't any space so he isn't quite sure about his theory.

"Underground? Yes, we are." Jasmine stated, "It's much safer here and it will bring us some time before Samuel find us again."

Camilo let out a shaky breath before slumping beside his cousin who let him lean against her, the three of them are drained and exhausted from running away from Luisa so you can only imagine how relieved they felt when Jasmine appeared out of nowhere.

Camilo blinked slowly because his vision is getting blurry when the fatigue finally sipped in through his body, he took a quick glance at Dolores and Mirabel who looked like they passed out.

"Go to sleep, you will be with your wife once you woke up." The sadness and emptiness from Jasmine's voice was evident, he wished he could say something to soothe her pain but the darkness already welcomed him.

— [ ☘︎ ] —

All of you were mad that Camilo made yall pregnant but was happy when yall found that you were having twins.

The mood swings ghat you currently posses is worse than a pregnant woman's moodswings. ಥ‿ಥ

I hope yall liked this one! <3

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