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Your eyelids flew open and almost immediately you sat up, you were gasping for oxygen as you clutched your clothing infront of your chest to steady the anxious beating of your heart.

You were trembling, the memories and the different kind of scenarios that you saw in your head while you were unconscious are all coming back into your mind. Your grip on your clothes only tightened when you remembered the psychotic look of your oldest cousin.

You didn't expect for her to be the one who's behind of the trauma and tragedies in your life.

Because she would always look at you with sadness, she would be there to make you feel happy if your sisters weren't there, she would be there to be your emotional support when you know you couldn't hold it in anymore so why? Why did she do all of that?

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the familiar muffled voices around you, you blinked slowly, allowing your eyesight to adjust from the brightness of your surroundings.

Camilo's, Irisia's and Jasmine's worried faces came into view, the three of them are too close for your comfort so you had to push them with a soft gust of wind.

"Amor! Thank goodness you're finally awake!" Your husband breathed out, his eyes glistening with tears as he tried to wrap his arms around but he was stopped by your flaming sister who beat him to it.

Irisia embraced you tightly, her face burying on your shoulder as she cried silently while tightening her arms around your exhausted form.

"You've been unconscious for days! I thought you were already a goner!" She exclaimed which earned her a punch from Jasmine.

"Idiota! Why would you say that?!" The youngest sister of yours hissed as she continued to punch Irisia from the back.

The flaming woman pulled away from you, she turned around and lunged at the younger [last name] who didn't back down because she gladly fought back to her older sister.

Your lips twitched at the familiar bickering scene infront of you, you missed them so much. You didn't know how long you were stuck in that dark abyss but it felt like you've been there for forever.

You felt a pair of arms wrapped themselves on your waist, the familiar comforting warmth of your husband had invade your cold system and you were more than happy to turn to him so you can return the hug.

Your eyes stared at his glistening eyes, his hazel orbs are full of love and joy as he gaze at you.

"God, I missed you so much, mi amor." The shapeshifter murmured quietly which caused for the butterflies in your chest to flutter happily by his words.

Your arms tightened around him, your lips curling up in a smile as he leaned in. His eyes kept staring at yours lovingly, both of your heartbeats quickened in delight to be finally in each other's arms.

He didn't hesitate to dip in, his soft lips catching yours in a desperate kiss and you gladly returned the equal desperation for your husband.

He pulled you closer to him and you let your hand rest on his chest as you deepened the kiss that you two are currently sharing then he grabbed the back of your head to keep you in place.

"Ahem." Irisia's voice reached both of your ears.

Camilo ignored her momentarily, he nipped at your lower lip which brought out a noise from you before he finally pulled away, he inhaled sharply from the lack of oxygen because of the kiss and you incoherently did the same.

His sister had to cover her ears because of the audible noises that you two had made, she's sure that it will forever engraved in the back of her mind.

"You bastard! You were trying to suck off my sister's life out of her body, weren't you?!" Irisia lunged at your husband and gripped the collar of his white buttoned up shirt.

The shapeshifter smirked, licking his lips as he glanced back at your embarrassed expression then his gaze lowered down to your lips.

"I was just trying to give her some energy by giving her a true love kiss." Camilo retorted back calmly and he moved his lips made those kissy actions towards you which made your little sister more annoyed. She lifted him in the air easily and shook his whole body without any hint of gentleness.

"You stained Jasmine's eyes! So what the fuck did you mean by giving her a true love kiss?!" The flaming woman snapped and Camilo could only laugh heartily at her reaction.

"Irisia, this much is nothing because I already saw [name]'s naked bo— mmmph!" The shapeshifter's statement got cut off when you froze his whole body and it reached his mouth which made him quiet. He glanced at you and he can see how much flustered you, just by being seen by your little sisters.

Irisia let go of him and her mouth was left agape as she turned her head to you with her eyes wide in shock, "H-how.. How did you two make babies?"

Silence filled the air, all of you were quiet and no one dared to make a noise.

Her question left you dumbfounded, Mirabel and Dolores both shared a glance before watching the scene unfold before them. Jasmine also looked confused since you didn't teach them how babies were made.

It's not because you couldn't, it's just because every time they'll ask, something will always come up and it will end up being unanswered. You pursed your lips together and averted your gaze from Irisia's questioning gaze.

You bit your tongue to stop yourself from throwing profanities towards your seemingly proud and smug husband who raised his eyebrow suggestively towards you.

This awkward situation started because they saw him kissing you and his cut off statement left them hanging. You don't know how to answer your sisters' question but you're sure that won't back down because it is your job to teach them about the things they don't know.

Although you are not sure how you will do that without Irisia trying to kill Camilo once she knew how babies are made.

Whatever, You sighed deeply with a smile creeping in your lips, I'm just glad that all of them looked relaxed and a little better than they were a few days ago.

— [ ☘︎ ] —

Just a fluff break!

I hope yall liked this chapter!

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