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Warning! Matured content down below!

I suggest skipping this one if you're not comfortable with it, I don't want seeing any comment about it because I already said it in advance.

Rest assured, this is NOT a smut! Camilo is still canonically minor so I can't write a smut about him.


— [ ☘︎ ] —

Both of your minds were swarmed with the desperation to feel each other's against their own, he raised a hand to touch your lips as he glanced momentarily on your eyes.

"May I kiss you? Hold you?" He whispered as kept his beautiful hazel eyes on your (color) eyes, his gaze is full of love and desperation.

It made you think that it wasn't the same Camilo Madrigal that you know because he look and sound so desperate right now, he's acting different toward you and you don't know if you like it or not.

But his voice sounded so sincere, his hazel eyes silently asking for your permission to hold you.

"Yes." And that was all he needed to finally succumb to his mind's wishes.

His lips immediately catch yours in a needy and desperate kiss, his hand grasped the back of your head to deepen it more.

Your lips moved together like a violin bow to a string, creating a perfectly conducted symphony and the intensity of the action caused for your legs to shake, the two of you melted against the other's touch and your heavy breaths collided with each other.

Camilo reached out behind you to caress your lower back, he never took his lips off from yours as he pushed you backwards.

You couldn't bring yourself to care when all you could feel were Camilo's hands gripping your waist as he hoisted you up to sit the wooden table.

His lips finally detached from yours, the need for oxygen getting in the way of a kiss you wish could last for eternity. He didn't go very far, Camilo attacked your sensitive neck with little nips, surely to leave incriminating bruises.

Your mouth were left agape, quiet whimpers escaping and the sound seemingly drive him to the edge as he continued leaving noticeable bruises on your skin.

"Camilo, please." You begged, needing to feel him, all of him at this moment. His lips abandoned your neck to slowly pull back and scan your body, his eyes glistened with a dark look when he saw the small marks he left on your neck before he completely answered.

"Please what, mi amor?" Camilo whispered, his hands moving down to grip your thighs that were attempting to squeeze together.

"Please stop teasing.." She whispered back. A quiet and amused chuckle resonated in the air as your husband leaned closer to you until he was directly next to your ear, his hot breath fanning down your neck once again.

The smell of the sweet liquor reached your nose, the feeling of his lingering touch on your thighs and the sound of his alluring voice are slowly driving you crazy.

The tension between you two is so thick and dangerous but none of you two seem to care because you two only focused on one another.

Camilo knew that his patience wouldn't be able to last long because his beautiful and loving wife is in front of him, he knew that this is bound to happen although he can't help but get anxious because he doesn't know if you're okay with this.

His hands gripped your thighs a little tighter, his lips leaving trail of wet kisses on your neck before he pulled away again.

"Is it okay to do it, [name]?" He breathed out, his hazel eyes has a worried look on them as his right hand lifted your chin so you can look at him directly.

"I don't want to do anything if you're uncomfortable, so say it now please." The shapeshifter muttered, his thumb caressing your cheek with care.

The reason why he kept bothering you for the liquor is because he knew that once the alcohol entered his system then his true feelings and honest thoughts will be poured out.

He's not that drunk, he still have enough rationality in him that's why he's asking for your permission. He doesn't want to go back to being strangers once the two of you got back to Encanto.

Your family and his family gave the two of you this opportunity to be alone, to get the each other know better. The two of you are a married couple and this kind of situation is not unavoidable.

"Why are you such a gentleman?" You let out a chuckle and leaned into his touch, your (color) eyes sparkling with love and adoration towards the man infront of you.

"Because padre said to never force a woman to do something she doesn't want." Camilo retorted back, a smile adoring his golden brown complexion when he saw how you stare at him.

"Then you have my permission." You breathed out, heart pounding roughly inside your chest as you uttered those words.

"Right here on the table?" He whispered against you, his lips curling up on a teasing smile.

Camilo shook his head slightly as he grabbed your waist and hoist up against him, his hand assisted your bottom so you wouldn't fall.

"I'm just kidding, I don't want to make our first on the table." The shapeshifter managed to breathe out with a laugh, his hands tight around your embarrassed and scowling form.

"I said stop teasing." You glared at him and he only responded with a sly smirk before running towards the bedroom.

He dropped you on the bed, slowly taking off his clothes and revealing his slender body infront of you. You can feel your cheeks getting warm at the sight of your husband's half naked figure.

"This is all for you." He stated with a playful wink which earned him a red faced [name].

He didn't know why his heart swelled with happiness when he managed to brought out a unique reaction from the stoic and powerful woman infront of him.

Well.. He smiled gently as his eyes stared at your flushed expression, carving the sight in his mind before he pushed you down on the mattress, his lips latching with yours in another deep kiss.

She's my woman.

— [ ☘︎ ] —

I'm both embarrassed and annoyed at myself right now..

I wanted this book to be wholesome but my dumbass forgot about the actual part of the honeymoon.

This is my first time writing a very intimate moment too..

I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I hope y'all still liked this one.

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