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"I hope you had a goodnight rest, mija." Alma stated while the two of walked towards the dining hall together.

You nodded your head, staring at the path head and not uttering any words to her. Alma only smiled and shook her head.

Your father did warned her that you're quiet and timid so she really didn't expect any response to her statement, she just enjoyed the short and peaceful walk towards the dining hall.

Upon arriving, the other madrigals have already seated on their respective spot, the only vacant spot for you is the spot next to camilo.

You walked over and sat down, not batting an eye towards your fiance. You waited for Alma to give the signal so you can eat.

"Good morning, everyone." The old woman greeted with a smile.

The others greeted back, murmuring goodmornings before looking back to their meal, "Now, let us eat."

Almost immediately, everyone started eating their portion of meal. Julieta's cooking always give them an energy to start the busy day for doing their chores.

You took a bite from an Arepa, your chest filled with warm and fuzzy feeling. The same feeling that you get when your mother is still around, the meal was cooked with so much love that it bounced around your body happily.

The wind blew slightly, the madrigals stared above your head where a puff of snow rested on your hair. It's color emitted a glow while it kept increasing as the second pass by.

"Uhh.. [Name]?" Mirabel called out, you raised an eyebrow and looked at her while chewing the delicious food.

"Snow? Above your head." Mirabel pointed out, you blinked slowly before the information sink into your brain.

"Sorry." You murmured, the wind blew a little harsher this time and it carried the snow away from your head then you got back into eating. You enjoyed the meal because of the warm it brought to your system.

You perked slightly when you heard Alma clear her throat to catch the attention of her family, including you.

"Since [name] will be staying with us starting today, I would like to give her something to do in town." The old woman started, her eyes glancing on your eating form who seemingly happy to devour her daughter's cooking.

"She will be tagging along with her soon-to-be husband so the two of them can get along with each other!" On the end of her statement, the others are already finished eating and you swallowed the last bite of the arepa.

"La familia Madrigal!" Alma exclaimed then the others soon followed, yelling the same phrase as the head of their family.

Each of them stood up from their seat including Camilo so you stood up too, body posture straight and face still void of any emotion, the teen grumbled on his way to town with you hot on his trail.

The laugh of the kids and the smiling faces of the townspeople are something new for you, you didn't expect them to be this lively and welcoming to a stranger in their town.

It felt.. Nice.

"Alright, I'm in charged of babysitting the kids. I don't know if you're good with them but I want you out of my way." Camilo grunted out, his hazel eyes squinting towards you.

You tilt your head, not sure why he's acting like this even though Alma made it clear that the two of you had to stick together, but nonetheless, you agreed and walked away from him.

What's the point of staying with him when he doesn't even want your presence, right?

While making your way towards the town's fountain, a group of kids run towards you.

"We haven't seen you around the town!"

"Are you new?"

"What's your gift?"

"Or do you have a gift like the amazing madrigals?"

Bunch of questions got thrown your way, amusement and confusion danced on your [color] eyes but you smiled gently at them.

You're not that good with kids, but you're sure that sometimes you want to be around them.

"Why don't we all take a seat? Somewhere with shade would be nice." You stated. Almost immediately, the kids pulled you towards the nearest big tree and they all eagerly sat down on the grass.

Their shining eyes are filled with curiosity and wonder, it almost make you envious because they're free from the harmful things, they're so innocent, so sweet and so.. Honest.

"What do you guys want to know?" Your voice held so much gentleness, the kids already reminded you of your chaotic little sisters and cousins.

"What's your name?" A little boy asked.

"My name is [Full name], I'm gonna be a Madrigal soon." You answered with a smile.

The little boy who asked the question, bashfully avoided your gaze and hid his face on his brown poncho, "That's a beautiful name.."

"Ooohhhh, daniel has a crush on [name]!" The other kids teased, you couldn't help but giggle as the kid named daniel defended himself by their false accusations.

"Alright, alright. Next question?" You chimed in which made the kids stop teasing the boy.

"Ooh! Do you have a gift?!" The little girl asked, her eyes lit up in excitement.

"Yes, I have two gifts." You chuckled. Your heart felt warm and fuzzy while gazing at the smiling faces of the kidsm

"What's your gifts?" Another boy asked.

"Wind and ice. Wanna see?" You raised an eyebrow, eyes glancing around them and catching their curious gaze.

"Yes, please! What can you do with your gifts?" Daniel asked once again.

"Well.. I can surely do this." You flicked your finger and the kids got lifted up in the air, their happy squeals echoing slightly.

Their laugh can be heard once you started making them dance around the air, swinging them up and down gently and being careful to not hurt any of them.

"What are you doing?" The shapeshifter raised his voice slightly.

The warm expression on your face immediately dropped when you turned your attention to him, your eyes stared blankly at him and that gaze of yours annoyed him.

"Use your mouth to talk and answer me." Camilo's voice dripped with annoyance and sass.

You sighed and slowly placed down the kids on the ground, earning a couple of whines from them then you turned around completely.

"I was babysitting them, what about you? You bothered me just now." You stated.

Camilo got taken aback from your statement, he started to fumble on his words as he tried his best to form or sputter out a proper sentence to throw back at you but he failed miserably.

You hummed, a smirk plastered on your face which caught the shapeshifter's attention, "Thought so. Now leave me alone."

You turned around again, facing the kids who's waiting patiently for you to finish talking to the madrigal.

"Let's play again, but let's go somewhere else okay?" You smiled, the kids cheered and the little girls pulled your hands as they lead you away from the bewildered shapeshifter.

He stood there for a minute, eyes staring at your retreating form along with the cheerful kids around you, he let out an annoyed huff before going to the next house for his babysitting duty.

"I can't believe that she got along with those chaotic kids."

If only he knew how chaotic your family were, much more troublesome than the normal kids in town.

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