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"When the lights are running low, and the shadow starts to grow." You stared blankly at your second mother as she sung beautifully.

Jasmine is perched on her arms while you were just standing there, right beside Irisia as the two of you listen to her to shush the wailing baby.

"And the places that you know seems like fantasy." She breathed out, her beautiful dark brown eyes glancing at your face with an expectant gaze.

Ever since your father brought her home, you couldn't look at him the same anymore. You just grew to hate him because he had the guts to replace your mother's spot in the mansion. 

"There's a light inside your soul that's still shining in the cold." She gave you smile and you quickly looked away from her. You knew that she's doing all of the that to get closer to you, to get on to your good side, to know about your vulnerable self so you can't let that happen.

"And the truth, the promise in our hearts.." You were pulled by your sister, she dragged you towards your second mother and she couldn't stop the smile from getting wider when she saw that Irisia helped her to make you come over.

She held back the look of amusement when you tried to glare at her but you failed miserably because it only made you cuter.

She leaned in with her pointer finger touching your nose, "Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark.."

You got startled by her sudden action which caused for the wind to get a little rough then it blew your skirt up and the fabric hit your face gently.

Series of giggles had reached your ears and you can feel your face heating up because of the embarrassment that you felt, you were quick to push your skirt down and you can't help but tear up when Irisia and the woman kept laughing.

"Oh gosh—" Your mother bit her lower lip to suppress the giggles when she saw that you were already tearing up.

Yet you stood your ground proudly and adorably.

"Why are you so cute?" She finally let out the laughs that wanted to escape and it only got louder when she heard you crying infront of her.

You watched the scene infront of you with a sad smile and longing expression on your face. That was the day when you finally opened up to Jasmine's birth mother and your second mother.

Despite being halfblood related to the youngest [last name], you still love her with all your heart, both of your mothers loved you so much so you wanted to let your little sisters feel the same love even though you weren't their mother.

You took care of them, feed them, look after them even though the three of you would fight and bicker like any other siblings do but what matters rhe most is that the three of you loved each other. Pure blood or not, they're still your sisters and you wouldn't want to change them. 

"Ah.. I want to see them." You murmured, loneliness and emptiness filling your whole heart as you wandered of in the darkness.

Another bright light had blind you which made you stop in your tracks and made you cover your eyes.

"You're gonna die if you went out there!"

You heard your father's voice, you slowly pulled your hand away from your face and saw the same night where you received the ability to control ice. 

"I don't care! She's my daughter! She's probably out there, crying and shaking in fear because she doesn't know what is happening!"

The tears in your eyes went back once again as you watch the woman struggle from your father's tight hold, he looked so scared and nervous while biting down on his lip roughly causing for it to bleed.

"Let go of me, [F/n]! Our daughter need someone to be there by her side!"

Your mother thrashed around, kicking and clawing at your father's arms as she continued to do her best to get out of his iron grip. You didn't know that this happened that night, you didn't know that she was fighting the dangerous man just to be there for you.

"Let go of her, uncle."

You flinched at the sound of your cousin's voice, your eyes widened when your father did let go of her and the woman let out a relieved sigh before she ran out of the mansion.

The harsh wind of the storm had surrounded your mother's figure until she was out of sight, your heart pound roughly inside your chest as you watch her disappear at the night.

"Please.. Why are you doing this, Dannia?"

You perked up at the sound of your father's broken voice which followed by a choked sob, your eyes glanced at his standing figure and he seem like he was glued in his place.

"This wouldn't happen if you treated me the same way as them.."

You watched silently as Dannia let out another smoke from her body and it was observed by your father's shaking muscular figure, he closed his eyes and when he opened them, you knew that he was already gone.

"Go and pick up [name], she probably ended up hurting that woman."

You knew that she was right, the blizzard around the gloomy town was the proof of that because at that moment. You have already killed your own mother with the gift that you just received.

Your father moved, following Dannia's demand and you trail behind him like a puppy tailing her owner, the familiar surroundings around you had already bring up the negative emotions that you have buried a while ago.

The cries of your younger self resonated in the air and you can hear yourself calling out to the lifeless woman on the big pile of red snow.

You stopped when your father halted from his tracks, your eyes glanced at his face and your chest tightened painfully once again.

He was crying but the same twisted smile were evident in his face.

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