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"I don't know for sure but let's just stay quiet and act normal." Camilo whispered, his lips grazing against your skin as he buried his face on your neck further.

"As much as possible, I don't want you to get hurt because of my assumption." Your husband mumbled as he hugged your body closer to him.

"So please.. Stay safe and be careful around mi familia for a while." He begged, vice wavering as you felt him cry against your neck. You couldn't do anything but listen to your husband's cry.

You let out a sigh after you recall the memory a week ago.

Yes, a week has already passed, there's no changes from the current situation except from the frequent visit of your father who wouldn't stop littering around Alma and Felix.

You were starting to get worried because you love Felix. He's the father that you wish you had when you were a little kid so it made you nervous when your father hang out with him for the past few days.

Dannia also somehow befriended Maria, the two of them would be seen hanging out around the Casita and every time Maria will see you, her expression will brighten up and she'll run to you.

The three of you would end up hanging with each other, although Maria made you feel uncomfortable from the constant touch of your hands, cheeks, neck, hair and even your chest.

She'll touch you without your permission so you couldn't help but get conscious and uncomfortable of her presence, they have been acting weird and you don't know what caused it. They are doing something that your father and Alma would quickly cover if someone saw them.

You saw them Dannia sneak inside of Bruno's tower when he went out, you were gonna call out to her but Alma had led you away from the place.

"Aish! I don't know what's going on!" You exclaimed, ice shards sprouting from the floor of your shared bedroom.

The ice quickly spread on the walls, covering every nook and cranny along with your belongings and your husband's things on the table and chairs that was scattered around the room.

Your lips quivered when the cold started to go to your body, the frostbites creeping on your skip and prickling your veins with inhumane temperature.

Your father has also been acting weird around you lately, his eyes would glow the same color of the others. The color of grey. Everytime he'll approach you, his eyes would glow and he'll immediately back out, his expression everytime though, looked pained and scornful towards someone which you know isn't you.

He would give you scornful look but it wasn't the same one he'll give you so it made you nervous, he started leaving some small accessories infront of Camilo's bedroom door, he'll leave a basket of your favorite food but you never ate any of its content because you were afraid that he probably put a poison in it.

He had tried to poison you a couple of times, he succeeded in some but you never really back down and die on your deathbed. You were stubborn to get your sisters life to safety, you were stubborn to protect them with all you have.

You didn't underestimate your father, no. You didn't want to think of him as weak and foolish person because you  know what he's capable of, you're scared to go against him.

Your ice and wind is useless because his anti-magic ability would only make your attack bounce back to you.

He's not the head of the [Last name] family without a proper reason, he's the head because he's powerful and dangerous. He rule over the family because he got the ability to neutralize the gifts of the new generation.

The shards only increased around you, it's sharp edges pointing at your quivering and curled up form in the bed. It was as if they're soldiers that you have killed because of your father's order.

Their frightened gaze, their agonizing screams, their plead for mercy, the sight of their blood, the wretching and disgusting smell. All of it, has been haunting you for years, you can't shake off the guilt and the pain that you have felt when they all beg for your mercy.

You wrapped your arms around yourself, caging your trembling and broken form inside of an icy gloo. Its exterior covering with dangerous and pointy shards to threaten anyone who would dare to go close to you.

Your [color] eyes fluttered close and your breathing relaxed a little, feeling safe and secured inside your safe haven on your husband's bed.

This was the rare times where you'll break down from the peer pressure and unshakeable guilt that haunt your  small frame, its the feeling where you just want to vanish into thin air and never seen again but if you did that..

Irisia and Jasmine.. Just the thought of their smiling faces made you feel warm inside, they were your light and reason to survive the harsh demand of your father, they became your strength and courage to overcome those fears that you have because,

They are your family.

"— [name]! [Name]?!" You perked up at the sound of your husband's panicked scream at the other side of the glowing door.

You just noticed that the ice had blocked it, several layers can be seen through the door and it made you feel guilty again.

"[Name]! Please answer me! Are you okay?!" Your eyes brimmed with tears, you melted the ice that was blocking the door and it immediately got slammed opened.

Camilo's hair looked so messy, his clothes are improper and disheveled, his hazel eyes held so many emotions with tears going down his freckled cheeks. His lips are quivering, shoulders shaking and hands trembling as he reached out to you.

A strong gust of wind whipped passed his running figure and it slammed the door shut once again, you didn't want to see anyone nor let them ruin the moment that you and your husband is about to have.

The ice shards that surrounded your ice gloo had dispersed along with the freezing temperature around the bedroom.

Camilo was quick to wrap his arms around your freezing form, he squeezed you with a warm embrace. His whole body shaking and you can hear his heart beating so fast and loud.

He felt so terrified, anxious and devastated when he saw the ice seeping out from the crack under his door, if it weren't for Casita clacking it's tiles to get his attention to say that you were in danger then he wouldn't know.

He felt so thankful, he felt so happy, he felt a rush of relief washed over him when you opened the door. He felt so glad when he saw you staring back at him.

She's okay. He breathed out a sob, his shaky hands grabbing your cheeks to make you look at him.

He might not know what's causing all of your worries and anxiety, he might not be a reliable enough for you but he's more than willing to be there for you, right by your side, to help you go through your storm, to help you make you feel at ease.

You leaned your head to his touch, the comfort and the loving warmth he gave you is overwhelming but you're not complaining because you love all of it.

He leaned down, his soft and warm  lips latched onto your cold ones. Your eyes brimmed with tears once more before you flutter them shut.

Ah.. I love him so much.. The two of you deepened the kiss, basking with each other's presence as the two of you drowned yourselves with love and comfort.

— [ ☘︎ ] —

Crying for this one.

I hope y'all love this just as much as I do!

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