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"The babies are fine.. But if you used your abilities once more then you'll end losing both of them." Irisia murmured weakly.

Its only been a few hours since Jasmine thanked you for letting her have her eternal slumber, it wasn't even a full day since one of your sister bid you a farewell so the wound on your heart is still open and fresh.

"I'm sorry.." You whispered against your little sister, the guilt and pain on your voice can be heard which made Irisia tensed up.

"Why are you saying sorry? It wasn't your fault." She responded while caressing your stomach with her glowing hand, she stopped all the aching feeling on your body except for your heart.

The blood that dripped on your legs were cleaned by your husband who wouldn't leave your side as he stayed quiet and let you mourn for your sister, it was just a short while but it was obvious how much the youngest [last name] had loved you and treasured you. She risked her life just to get you to safety, she pushed herself to not put yourself in anymore danger.

Irisia already warned you that a pregnant woman from your family will become fragile so you can't use your gifts but you still used a large amount of magicules which endangered the babies inside you.

"Please don't use your ice or wind anymore." Your little sister spoke, her eyes staring at the bump on your stomach as she continued to caress it gently.

"Your gifts are the source of their strength and life force so don't use them anymore." Irisia stated, her expression softening at the mention of your babies.

"You killed Samuel.. There was a lot of shards and your energy almost ran out earlier.." She murmured, voice shaking slightly as the traumatizing memory came into her mind once again.

"I can't lose you too, okay? So please.." Her voice continued to tremble and she let her head fall on your shoulder as she wrapped her arms around your torso, "Please be careful.."

You wrapped your arms around her and let out a pained sigh, you pulled her close to your body and left a comforting kiss on her forehead as you rub her back.

You knew that she's worried and scared of losing you, the two of you already lost your youngest sister so you're sure that she won't hesitate to sacrifice her life for you as well.

I have to keep her on my line of sight because she might do something reckless and attack Dannia.. The thought left an uncomfortable and heavy feeling inside your chest.

Irisia is quite short-tempered than you so there's a possibility that she'll sneak out and ambush your cousin which might put her life in risk. You don't know what Dannia can do because she is stronger than her twin brother and the fact that if you used your power once more, will kill the babies inside you.

Why did I have to be pregnant in this kind of situation.. A lonesome tear escaped from your eye as you thought of the worst case scenario that will happen.

Camilo pursed his lips, he lifted his hand to wipe the tears that continued to fall from your eyes. He don't know the pain of losing a sister but watching you cry because of that, pained him even more than he thought.

He doesn't know how to comfort you so all he can do is to stay by your side and become your emotional and mental support for the upcoming situation.

He wanted to turn back the time, where you two are happy in your honeymoon, he want to turn back the time to see you smile, to hear your laugh and sarcastic remarks. He would do anything to keep you safe and loved if he could but how?

You already lost one of the important people in your life and there's no guarantee that Irisia won't be next.

What if she's next? Camilo's anxiety crept up to his chest as the thought lingered at the back of his mind. His hand trail down to your shoulder and he pulled you closer to him to quietly comfort you and himself.

He can feel that your body relaxed against his embrace but the tears kept falling down your face, he stayed quiet and let you cry even more because he knew that a death of a loved ones are painful.

His eyes landed on Irisia's passed out figure on your arms, she looked so pale and exhausted, probably because she kept on healing your body and even restored some of your energy so the babies will stay alive.

He let out a sigh, wrapping his arms around your shoulders while burying his face on your hair to calm down the anxious beating of his heart.

He feel so restless, the dreadful feeling inside his chest kept getting worse as the minutes pass by and he doesn't know what's the cause of it. It the same feeling that you randomly get when you know that something bad is about to happen.

He knew that all of them are safe and secured so why is he feeling restless?

His eyes snapped down to your face when he felt you move between his arms, your wearing a frown and the tears seem to stop from falling down to your cheeks but you have troubled expression.

"What's wrong, mi amor?" Camilo whispered against your ear, worry and slight panic can be heard in his voice.

"I don't know.. I feel like I'm gonna throw up.." You murmured, your [color] eyes scanned the whole closed space before slumping back down to your husband's body.

"Just close your eyes and take a rest." The shapeshifter stated as he pressed his palm on your forehead to keep you in place, but you didn't want to sleep.

Not when you're feeling something bad is gonna happen soon.

"Don't worry. I'll still be here when you wake up." Camilo reassured you while caressing your head. He pursed his lips when you only pushed his hand and moved away from him.

Just when the shapeshifter was about to move, Dolores grasped his elbow tightly which caused the two of you to look at her.

She is trembling out of fear and anxiety, the expression she is wearing mirrored her feelings. She lift her finger up to her mouth and shook her head.

Mirabel scoot closer to her, her hand gripping her arm with the same troubled expression as she looked up above her.

"I can hear a couple of footsteps." Dolores whispered shakily, "One of them is talking."

The older woman let the tears to escape her eyes as she glanced at the rock above their head, her lips quivered slightly before closing her eyes.

"Antonio's with them."

— [ ☘︎ ] —

I'm gonna upload randomly starting today.
We're getting near in the end, just a few more then it's another farewell. :)

I hope y'all liked this one!

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