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The news that you are awake spread around the madrigals' home, no one told the townsfolk about your incident because they don't want to cause a chaos.

Which they did their best to keep the news as a secret, Dolores was the second one to know that you were awake. The sound of your voice made her stop from talking with her husband and she left Mariano alone to tell her mother.

As soon as Pepa heard it from her daughter, she quickly dropped whatever she was doing and marched towards Casita.

The shapeshifter saw this and got confused, but when he saw his sister walking the opposite way then he immediately knew what's going in which made him run towards his mother.

Running fast so he can stop her from entering his room, he just want you to take it easy as soon as you woke up. The restraint in your body, the freezing temperature and the frostbites must have inflicted so much pain to you.

No matter how much he despises you right now, he still don't have the heart to let you move from your current condition.

Camilo huffed, pushing past his limits as he run past his mother— who got startled and he took this chance to run up the stairs, blocking the way to the second floor.

"Mami! She's still sleeping, she just woke up after two days, let her take a few more hours to rest!" Camilo exclaimed and tried to stop his mother from taking one more step up the stairs.

Pepa glared at her son, "No, camilo. I want to see her right now! You shouldn't have let her go back to sleep in the first place! What if she never wake up? What if this is the last time we saw [name] awake? What if she won't be able to marry you? Oh no, the [L/n]s will be here tommorow for the preparation and she's not okay! Our family will have a conflict and—"

"Calm down, mami! That won't happen! I checked up on her every hour and she's just sleeping!" Camilo sighed out, still not moving from his spot on top of the staircase.

"Besides, it will be better if I don't marry her, I'll just marry Maria instead-" The shriek of the thunders made the shapeshifter stiffened, his eyes glanced up on his mother's head where the dark clouds started to form.

"Uhh.. I'm just joking-" Camilo swallow the forming lump in his throat.

"Camilo. Move." Pepa stated, the tone of her voice is strict and threatening. Her eyes squinted into a glare.

"But mami—" Camilo got cut off by a creak of a door from his right, it caught both of his and Pepa's attention which made them turn to the sound.

You emerged from his room, his yellow blanket with chameleons etching wrapped around your shoulders and the piece of clothing he dropped on your forehead was lazily hanging on your head.

The white buttoned up shirt that he lent to you was missing two buttons at the bottom, he doesn't know what you were doing but you look like a mess. More messier before when he left you to do his chores.

"Mija! [Name]!" Pepa exclaimed in worry, her voice rising ever so slightly.

You furrowed your brows and turned your head to them, your [color] eyes collided with Camilo's hazel ones before you glanced down to his mother.

You gripped the railings and leaned your weight against it, you felt your legs shook under you so you had to balance yourself.

Both Pepa and Camilo watched your movements with worry, you still look pale and they can see the small frostbites on the tip of your fingers, both the mother and son didn't have to speak because they know the other wants.

Camilo was the first one to spring towards you, his hands sliding with your cold ones as he let you lean your freezing body against his. He made sure to tighten the blanket on you before wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Oh dios mio, what are you doing and walking around? You just woke up a few hours ago!" Pepa gripped her son's arm that was wrapped around you protectively.

She ushered the two of you inside his room again, she dismissed the look of irritation on her son's face when she snatched you away from him, she made you sat down on his messy bed again then she kneeled down in front of you.

Her warm hand made a contact on your neck, she almost shivered from how cold you are.

"Why are you freezing, cariño?" She frowned.

Camilo made his way over to the bowl of water beside his bed, he picked it up and walked towards his bedroom door.

"I'm gonna take another warm water for [name]." The shapeshifter informed before walking out.

He sighed deeply, the grip on the bowl tightened when he remembered the annoying feeling on his chest as his mother took you away from his embrace.

He stepped inside the kitchen, his gaze flickering from Dolores to Mariano before completely ignoring their presence.

He made his way towards the stove, he placed the bowl on the counter and pulled out the kettle from the cabinet. He filled it with water then placed it on the stove.

Dolores watched her little brother wash the bowl, his every movement didn't made any noisy, just slight shuffling here and there.

Amusement and confusion danced across her eyes while staring at her brother's retreating form away from the kitchen.

"Did he finally accept [name] as his wife?" Mariano asked, taking a bite from the arepa that he's holding.

Dolores only let out a squeak before shrugging her shoulders, she doesn't know what her little brother's feeling towards you but she hope that it's getting better than the first time you arrived here.

"I'm back." Camilo announced as he stepped inside his bedroom, the bowl of warm water on his hands once again.

Pepa perked up at him, lips curled up in a tight smile as she caressed your [color] hair before looking back down at your unconscious self.

She somehow managed to make you go back to sleep because the exhaustion on your face is noticeable, although you tried to hide it by smiling towards the kind woman.

"She look so tired, mijo.." Pepa murmured, her hand caressing your cold skin on your face as she brushed away some strand of your hair.

Camilo stayed quiet and put the bowl down on the bedside table again, he walked over to his dressed and pulled out a white towel this time.

Walking back to the bed, he dipped the towel on the water and twist it, squeezing the dripping water from the fabric before ushering his mother to the side.

"I can do it myself, mami." Camilo stated, seeing that his mother was about to take the clothing from his hand.

Pepa only smiled then she moved aside and let Camilo sat beside you, he draped the towel on your forehead while folding it into half.

"You've changed a little for the past few days, mijo." His mother suddenly commented which made him stop from moving your hair away from your face.

"What do you mean?" The shapeshifter murmured, standing up once he was satisfied on his work.

Pepa giggled and walked over to the door, she glanced to her son through her shoulder while a playful smile plastered on her face.

"You know what I meant by that." She called out before stepping out of his room and closing the door behind her.

Her statement made Camilo quiet. His hazel eyes glanced down on your sleeping and peaceful expression. He released a tired sigh before sitting back down by your side.

His eyes softened when he looked at you, "I don't know what I'm feeling anymore.. I hate you but the next second I see you, you made me feel something unknown."

He watched you shift on your sleep, the towel slipped from your forehead and landed on his pillow which made him chuckle under his breath.

Really, he doesn't know what you are doing to him.

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