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After staying in underground for another three days, the guilt and fear about the threat that your cousin said to you made you nervous.

You had to force your sisters to go back up in the surface because you're slowly getting suffocated in the closed space without any change in the scenery, luckily, they agreed but only for a few hours.

"This place should be good, right?" Irisia called out, the fire that surrounds the six of your dispersed in the air once the all of you reached the ground.

"It should be, these pregnant women need some fresh air." Jasmine stated, flickering her wrist and six rocks took a form of a bench before she made the seat a little sandy so it will be soft once they sat down.

Dolores let go of your hand, her dark eyes sparkling with joy and excitement at the sight of the beautiful green scenery that is full of different kinds of flowers and tall grasses.

Your heart swelled with delight, a small smile forming on your face as you glanced at your husband who tapped your little sister's shoulder before yelling, "Tag, you're it!"

You felt so.. Free.

The massive sky above all of you seem to smile down at you and even blessed with a great weather, there's no dark clouds in sight and the breeze is gentle, the cheerful chirps of the birds resonated in the air and it managed to make you think of the happy moments that you shared with your husband, his family, your little sisters and the wedding.

The wedding was supposed to one of the regretful and agonizing memory but now, it completely turned one of the happy memory for you.

You walked towards the makeshift chair that your youngest sister had provide you and you gladly took a seat, you let out a relieved sigh as you inhaled the fresh scent of air, the freedom you are feeling right now overpowered your whole being which made you relaxed.

You closed your eyes, your body leaning against the solid support behind you.

You wanted for this moment to last forever, to hear your love ones laugh, to see them smile, to watch them as they joke around and get along with each other. You wanted for them to witness every memorable moment, you want them to experience the same happiness and freedom you were feeling.

You want all of this to last.

But just like any cliche drama and angst story out there, the peaceful moment won't last long.

"[Name]! Watch out!" Dolores's panicked shriek echoed in the air and it took you a moment to register what she said.

You can feel the painful feeling came from behind your neck, the pointy edge of the blade pressed against your skin causing for you tensed up and made your heart beat anxiously inside your chest.

"I knew that all of you will end up here." Samuel chuckled, pressing the blade of his knife on the side of your neck causing for your skin to be cut and bleed.

The dreadful feeling came back, your eyes locking with Camilo's eyes which is swirling with fright, shock and anxiety. Tears had gathered at the corner in his eyes as he watched your cousin grin menacingly towards him.

"I'm sorry, [name].." Maximo's voice reached your ears and you immediately knew that he was the one who told them about your whereabouts. 

Irisia and Jasmine were hesitating to attack because you are within his range, the possibility that you'll get caught up in the chaos is high.

But the moment Samuel raised his hand which he is using to hold the knife, their body moved on their own.

Irisia rushed forward, her palm opened up and she threw several large fireballs at Samuel. The sized are almost the same height of Camilo and it is sure that it's strong enough to create a dent on the ground once it made contact with it.

The lightnings also went off from her other palm, her eyes glowed a color of yellow with her body releasing a small amount of lightning bolt that targeted the man behind you.

Her eyes went wide when her action sink into her brain, her face paled at the sight of the fireballs and the lightning launching themselves towards your direction.

Samuel did the something inhumane.

He gripped your shoulder, he used his ability and let the gravity to make you kneel infront of him to make you his meat shield.

"No!! [Name]!!" The voices of your husband and little sisters reached your ears as the large amounts of fireballs neared your kneeling form, the gravity weight you down so you couldn't lift your arms to cover yourself.

The heaviness from your body made the makeshift chair underneath you crumbled into pieces, you huffed as you did your best to fight off the ability of your cousin but you knew there's no other way to avoid being hurt so you had no choice but to resort on using your gifts.

You let out a pained groan, eyes tearing up as you forced yourself to create a gigantic ice wall infront of you and Samuel. The pressure of your gift affected your body which caused an unbearable pain go through your abdomen.

Then you changed the flow of air, summoning a powerful gust of wind to swerve the lightning bolt away from the two of you.

You used enough magicules to make the ice wall and the wind to change the direction of the bolt so you can block the incoming attack of your sister, but you didn't know how much it will effect your body.

"That's a good girl." Your older cousin murmured once he saw that the ice wall had melt down, his eyes glowed a color of purple and the weight on your shoulders only got heavier which made you hissed out in pain.

Your stomach is slowly getting squeezed and you're afraid that you're putting your twins in danger.

"Stop. Stop it, Samuel!" You pleaded, your eyes glancing down on your stomach which is slowly getting inflicted with another wave of unbearable pain.

You looked back at your little sisters but you only saw Irisia, Jasmine is nowhere in sight.

You flinched slight when you felt the ground underneath you started to get soft then you completely submerged into the sand. Jasmine jumped out the ground and she swerved around, landing a strong kick at the back of Samuel's head.

You couldn't see anything but you can hear how your cousin stumbled forward and let out a pained groan.

The sand that surrounded you had lifted you off from the ground and you emerged right beside your husband, panicked and quickened breathes  came out of your lungs when you felt something warm dripping from between your legs.

"JASMINE!" You couldn't even look down to see what it was because Irisia's worried yell made you snap your attention towards your youngest sister's position.

You can see Irisia running towards Jasmine, eyes wide in horror and mouth left agape as her screams feel deaf to your ears.

Your eyes could only stare at the familiar scene infront you.

Samuel had sunk his blade onto your little sister's smaller form, the wretching smell of blood, the terrified screams of the people around you and the sickening yet forced smile of your cousin had engraved itself into your brain.

Everything happened a little too fast and all of you reacted a little too late.

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