𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 - 35

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Gabi didn't like changes, especially when it's very sudden. It's not like she can't adapt to the changes, she just unintentionally hates them no matter how good they seem. Usually, she would have Reiner help her, or maybe even Flaco or the other warriors. But what was she supposed to do now?

Nothing and no one could prepare Gabi for what had happened to her. Being transported into another world was completely unthought of. She couldn't go to the warriors for help nor could she seek comfort with Falco.

Gabi was a bold child, and she knew that. When something she doesn't like happened, she will make a statement on it and then people would listen and change it. However, times have changed along with how everyone acted around her.

"You need to lighten up, Gabi. Everything is okay now, there's no more war."

"It's more peaceful here, Gabi, there's no worries here."

"Gabi be nice, life has changed, enjoy it."

"There's no more fighting, Gabi, there's no need to raise your voice anymore."

"Gabi, calm down."

Gabi this, Gabi that, Gabi quiet, Gabi be nice. She should be happy, she should be kinder, she should go play, she should have a normal life. Fighting and war was Gabi's life! It was driving Gabi insane, and she knew who exactly to blame.

Y/n fucking L/n.

Ever since he came into the picture, everyone let their guard down. Ever since they appeared in his house, they've been acting kinder, even to the 'devils'. Ever since he took everyone in, everyone been so peaceful. Gabi hated it, it wasn't the life she was used to.

Gabi knows how to fight, how to be a warrior and how to take down the opponent. But all of a sudden, she's asked to play, to be nice, to be peaceful. How in the world is she supposed to do that when all her life was war, fighting, and drills?!

Gabi hated changes, she hated that she had to adapt to being peaceful in a house filled with devils, and she especially hated Y/n. God, Y/n was such a nuisance, always making sure everyone didn't fight, it was so annoying.

On multiple occasions, Gabi thought of killing Y/n. In fact, she tried doing it a few times. She would usually grab the nearest sharp looking object and rush Y/n head on to stab him with it. However, every time without fail, Y/n would disarm her, put the sharp object too high for her to reach, and leave the room with not a care in a the world.

Gabi doesn't care if she continuously gets scolded by her higher ups, she doesn't care for Falco's pleases to stop fighting, she will prove to everyone that without Y/n, the world will just be a better place. She just has to. Besides, war is her only way of knowing how to live, how to please the people her ancestors have wronged.

This is the right path, it has to be the right path for Gabi. If it's not, then what is Gabi supposed to live for? There is only one right path in life, right?

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"That's your 15th time you've tried to kill me since you got here, Gabi," Y/n said in a dull voice as he was holding onto a pen, "Are you ever just gonna stop?"

"No!" Gabi snapped, "I'll kill you one day! You are just the devil just like the rest of them! I was raised to kill devils like you so I will never give up, damnit!!"

Y/n could only sigh as he put the old box cutter on a high shelf out of Gabi's reach, "Whatever you say, Gabi. Leave the office, I have work to do."

Gabi rolled her eyes rudely, "I swear, one day Ima get you, and you won't even know it!"

Y/n rubbed his nose in stress as he sat down and waved Gabi to the door, "Sure, keep trying kid..."

Sooner or later Gabi left the room, of course not without screaming her head off about how she's going to kill Y/n someday. Y/n just endured the yelling and sighed peacefully at the fact that the child finally left his office. He continued to write on the paperwork he had in front of him.

"Y/n?" A rough but yet soft voice called out as the door squeaked opened then closed.

"Hello, Reiner," Y/n greeted, used to hearing Reiner's drained voice, "Is there something you need from me?"

Reiner couldn't help but feel worried for Y/n, "I saw Gabi walk out of here a few minutes ago. Did she try to kill you again?"

Y/n sighed as he leaned back in his office chair, "Unfortunately. However, the only thing she's been successful at is nearly starving herself and making me late on all the paperwork that need to be done. I'm just glad that Niccolo can cook for her. I swear, she will never eat my cooking, huh?"

Reiner looked down in shame of his younger cousin, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I would scold Gabi again, but nothing seems to be working. No matter what I do she's just going to keep coming after you. This is all my fault for not being able to tame her. I'm so sorry Y/n."

Y/n glanced at the solum looking Reiner. He then sighed as he turned to face the taller blonde. He even put down his pen to give Reiner his full attention. He gently cupped Reiner's face and made him look up at him.

"There's no need to be sorry, Reiner," Y/n said softly, "I know that this is all Gabi's own doing, but I promise you, that I will let her come around no matter how long it will take. I still don't know what type of background either of you have, but I do know that it's not good one for a fact.

"Everyone responses to life differently, Reiner. Falco choose to cry it out, and Gabi choose to use violence, even if the situation is the same for both kids. Just trust me, Reiner, Gabi will be okay. I will still provide for her and everyone else."

Reiner's eyes shined with admiration. Just how can Y/n be so kind and understanding at the same time? How can Y/n keep his calm composer even when he's under so much stress from Gabi and work? Just how does Y/n keep living with everything that had happened to him?

Reiner looked down as he could feel tears bubble up the corner of his eyes. He reached for one of Y/n's hands and brought it in his own. Y/n let him be as he could feel Reiner squeeze his hand in appreciation.

"Thank you..." Reiner mumbled as his head hung low, "Y/n, thank you so much... for everything... We would've never kept living if it weren't for you..."

Y/n's eyes lightly lowered. He let out a small sigh as he pulled Reiner to his chest. He let Reiner cry on him as he softly stroked his hair in a calming and comforting manner. Y/n gazed up on the ceiling as he continued to comfort the broken Reiner in his arms.

"I don't know what I would've done without you guys," Y/n whispered.

However, Y/n thought to himself, 'I'm not ready to let you guys go anymore... How troublesome... I got attached again...'

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