First Day

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The weekend passes by quickly and Monday rolls around way too fast. I wake up to my alarm at six, and pull myself out of bed. I undress and put a robe on then grab my bathroom bag and walk down the hall to shower. The bathroom is empty since it's so early and I love it.

I've always been a morning person and I figure the earlier I start, the earlier I'll be finished. After I'm done in the bathroom, I head back to my room to get dressed and put on some makeup. I french braid my hair and hurry to the coffee shop before class.

I grab a latte and then head across campus to the English building. There's a couple students inside already, so I grab a seat in the back and pull out my lap top "Is this seat taken?" I pull my airpod out and see Greyson.

I move my bag "No, you can sit here" he plops down next to me and I hate how awkward I feel.

He pulls his things out and I feel his eyes on me "Enjoy the rest of your night on Friday?" I sigh.

"If you call falling asleep to Dexter murdering someone fun, then I did" he laughs.

"That sounds like a great time, better then making sure no one pukes on your crap or breaks anything" I nod.

"True, thanks again for walking me home"

"Anytime" I smile and my heart flutters.

The professor comes in and begins his lecture. He passes out a syllabus and goes over it thoroughly in detail. Luckily he lets us out early, Greyson walks with me "What do you have next?" I pull up my schedule on my phone .

"Abnormal Psych in the science hall" he looks around.

"I'll walk you, how many classes do you have?" We continue towards the main part of campus.

"Three, and you?"

"Same. You should come to the house after your last one" I look at him curiously.

"Why?" It comes out ruder than intended.

"To hang out" he says casually.

"Okay, I'll see you later" he smiles and I walk off towards the Science building.

Four hours later and I'm finally done for the day. Luckily it's only one, I pull my phone out and put their address in the maps. I start walking towards their house, and wonder why he wants to hang out?

I listen to music and wrap my jacket around myself. It's January, so it's cold and feels like it's about to start snowing. This is definitely my favorite time of the year, I love the snow and can't wait for my first one here.

I get to the house and it's strange how quiet it is on a Monday afternoon. I walk up the steps and knock on the door. I hear voices and the door is finally opened with a cheerful Asher standing in the way "Hey Say" he says and steps aside.

I walk in and he closes the door, when I round the corner Greyson and Kallan are playing video games on the couch "Hey" Greyson says.

"Hey" I take a seat on the couch across from them and Asher walks over and sits next to me, cracking open a cold beer.

"How was your first day Saylor?" He asks.

"Good, long and you guys?" Kallan cusses and tosses his controller to the side.

"You fucking cheated" he pouts.

"You just suck" Greyson says playfully.

"It was good, especially now that I kicked his ass" Greyson says as Kallan throws a pillow at him.

"Want a beer?" Asher asks and I nod.

He stands and walks into the kitchen "Tell us about yourself Say" Kallan says and I smile at the nickname.

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