The Beach House

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Close to six hours later and we finally pull up to one of the most beautiful houses I've ever seen. Lo and I step out of the truck and our jaws hit the floor "This is insane" she says and we grab our bags.

Kallan unlocks the door and the second we step inside and cool ocean breeze blows my hair back. The sliding door is open because the cleaners had just left. The backyard is literally the beach, you walk right out onto the sand. Lo and I explore the house and I put my bags in the room that has the best view.

I lay back on the bed and smile, this is our home for a week and I have a feeling this is going to be the best trip yet "Say where'd you go?!" Lo shouts and I stand up and meet her in the hall.

"I picked this room" she walks over and follows me inside.

"It's beautiful, this entire house is amazing" we jump and squeal like children.

"Let's put our suits on yeah?" She nods.

"I'll meet you down there" I close the door behind her and unzip my bag, pulling out the different bikinis I brought.

There's a light knock on the door "Come in" I shout, thinking it's Lo but to my surprise it's not.

I turn around about to say something and stop when I see Asher in the doorway "Hey" he says as he scratches the back of his head.

"Asher? Who invited you?" I try not to sound upset.

"Matt and Kallan did... we just got here"

"Oh...okay" he's treading lightly.

"Are you sure it's okay?" I nod because I don't have the energy to fight this anymore.

"Yeah it's fine" he smiles and walks out, I lock the door behind him.

I quickly change into my favorite green bikini, braid my hair, and grab my sun glasses. I run down the stairs to the backyard aka the beach and see everyone hanging out. I see Kallan, Matt, Asher, Lo and a couple guys I don't recognize.

"Hey" I say as I walk up behind Lo.

"There she is" she wraps an arm around my shoulder and the guys check us out.

Asher's eyes light up when he sees me and I won't deny the fact that I'm checking him out too. Kallan grabs the towels and tosses me one so Lo and I lay ours next to each other. I grab some sunscreen and start lathering it all over, and Matt passes out some drinks.

It's a beautiful day here on the Cod. Blue skies, a slight breeze and the water is crystal clear. Lo rubs it on my back and then I do hers and we lay back and cheers our cans together "Cheers to summer" we smile and take a sip.

"This is Collin and Brayden, Matt's friends who are on the football tea" they both smile and wave.

"Hey, I'm Saylor" I check them out and they're both hot.

Tan, muscular and they each have a great smile. One has sandy blonde hair which gives me surfer boy vibes and the other has jet black hair that's more tapered on top. They seem nice and like they enjoy having some fun, so this week should be a blast.

Brayden grabs a football and the guys all spread out along the sand and play catch "Sorry I didn't give you a heads up about Asher... I didn't know until he showed up with Matt"

"It's fine I promise, I'm not bothered by it" she gives me a skeptical look and then lays back.

I enjoy the sun and hopefully get some color, whilst sneakily watching all of the guys. My eyes keep wandering over to Asher and that bubble of nervousness fills in the pit of my stomach. I'll also blame the loneliness and my hormones for taking my mind elsewhere.

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