Branching Out

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I haven't been avoiding Asher, but I also haven't not been avoiding him. I honestly don't know what I'll say when we eventually see each other. I've spent the last couple weeks getting ahead in my classes, working out, reading and doing things that I enjoy by myself. I feel like I needed a big reset on everything that went down, and now I feel so much better.

I see Greyson because we have a class together, but we haven't hung out or texted much. He knows I've needed some distance and they're all respecting it. Ever since I met them, I've spent all my free time with them physically or when I was alone they were all I could think about.

I came here for myself, to get an education and figure out what the hell I want to do with my life. That also means having some fun, but it didn't mean my life revolving around three ridiculously handsome and charming hockey players. That being said, it also doesn't mean that  I haven't missed them like crazy.

I miss them so much, but I know that space is what we've all needed. It's Thursday and I just finished my last class of the week, I had a biology test that I feel went really well.

I'm walking out of the building with a smile on my face, feeling pretty confident. I decide to grab a coffee on campus and as I'm waiting in line I see Asher. My heart instantly starts to race as I think about running away.

He has headphones in and hasn't noticed me, I watch as he orders his drink and then stands off to the side looking at his phone. He looks up and our eyes meet. His widen and I notice multiple emotions flash across his gorgeous face. I push off the wall I'm leaning against and walk over to him.

He stands up tall and neither of us can avoid the tension in the air "Hey" I say with a friendly smile.

"Hey Saylor" we both stand there awkwardly, and I think back to when I would jump into his arms and kiss his perfect pink lips.

My gaze goes right to them and he notices, he smirks like he just read my mind "How have you been?" I finally ask.

"Alright, what about you?" I'm about to answer when the barista calls our names.

He gives me a look as I step away to grab my drink, "Want to sit?" He pulls his headphones out and grabs his drink, then follows me to a table

We take a seat across from each other "Why is this so awkward?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't know..." he reaches his hand over to mine.

"I still care about you so much Saylor, I've missed you... we all have" the looks on his face hurts.

"I miss you guys too, but I needed space after was a lot. I needed to remind myself that I can be alone and not always rely on other people" he sits back.

"I get that, sometimes you have to reset. I'm so sorry for hurting you" his blue eyes shine in the light.

"I know you are, and I forgive's impossible to stay mad at any of you" he smiles.

"I miss sleeping next to you and holding you while we watch lame chick flicks. I miss showing up at your dorm and ripping your clothes off..."he has this look in his eyes that causes me to blush.

"I...." I look at him and his face drops, he pulls his hand away "I'm sorry"

He shakes his head "It's Greyson right? Always has been" his whole demeanor changes.

"Ash, I just need time. After everything that happened, the last thing I'm thinking about is being in a relationship" the pain in his eyes is clear.

His head lifts and his gaze turns to something or someone behind me "Roger that" he starts to stand from his seat.

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