Summer's Gone

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After we got back from the beach house the guys helped me move my things from my dorm room into a storage temporarily. I stayed with Lo until we were able to move into our apartment. Finally towards the end of July the previous tenants moved out and we got the keys.

We spent the rest of summer decorating and making it our own. We layed by the pool, went hiking and on a couple camping trips with Kallan, Matt and Bryaden. We did a mini road trip to Main to see Lo's grandma and then flew to New York for a weekend to visit one of my mom's stores but she wasn't there.

I missed Greyson every single day. I never slept with or even kissed another guy because it never felt right. I didn't ask Kallan about him ever and we stayed clear of their house. Asher and I slowly worked on becoming friends again, it's nice having him around.

Summer flew by right before my eyes. My heart healed like I had hoped it would and I'm ready to start this fall semester with a clear mind and open heart. I don't have any expectations of what's to come but what I do know is that I'm stronger than ever before and more confident; thanks to my gym membership and Lo's persistence.

My alarm goes off around six and I peel myself out of bed and change into athletic clothes. I meet Lo in the kitchen where we eat a protein bar and drink our pre work out. We head out to her car and drive to this really nice gym we joined, near campus. We work out for just over an hour and then head home to get ready for class.

It's the first day, so I decide to put a little more effort into my appearance. I put on some makeup and straighten my hair then I slide my favorite bootcut jeans on with a cute yellow blouse. I slip on my sandals and grab my white knit cardigan. I put my books and lap top in my bag. I grab my smoothie I made last night and a banana then head out.

Our apartment is a ten minute walk to campus. I love putting my headphones in and enjoying the fresh air. I know that the weather's  changing soon so I'm getting in as many walks as I can for now.

I get to campus and stop at the coffee shop for my usual latte. When I'm leaving I see Greyson for the first time since we broke up. I almost drop my coffee and he turns in my direction and ours eyes lock. He looks just as amazing as be always has. He's wearing a backwards baseball cap with a sweatshirt, jeans and vans. My heart races and I know I need to stop looking but I can't pull my eyes away.

Finally I do, and I start walking towards my class but he comes after me "Saylor" I think about ignoring him but my feet have a mind of their own.

I stop in my tracks and slowly turn around "Hi" is all I'm able to say.

He looks nervous "How are you?" I have to resist laughing at his ridiculous question.

"Um, I'm fine and you?" His eyes search mine for the truth.

"I'm better" I half smile and feel uncomfortable because what do I say? What is the point of this?

"Good" I hate this.

"I've missed you" he finally admits and it makes me angry.

"Don't, please just don't" I try to walk off but he grabs my arm.

"Please don't walk away" I shoot daggers at him now.

"That's real rich of you to say Greyson, because isn't that exactly what you did?!"

"I deserve that"

"You deserve worse" my voice cracks at the end.

"Fair enough, I'm sorry for everything... for hurting you and saying the shit I said"

"You're hypocrite you know that? You text me going off and basically calling me a slut and then you turn around and do the same thing!" It comes out loud and angry.

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