The Finale

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Time flies when you're having fun they say and I do firmly believe that, but in our case it's more like time flies when you're busy as hell. After our wedding I feel like life sped up all of a sudden. I got another promotion at work and my worked load just about tripled. I worked long days and was exhausted by the time I picked up the kids, fed us all dinner, bathed them and tucked them into bed.

Even the days when it's just Cass and I still feel busy. I've been working from home and with hockey season in full swing Cassius has been swamped and traveling again. What we did expect to happen was me getting pregnant? I forgot to get my shot in time and well accidents happen.

I didn't realize until I check the calendar on my phone to see that I was a month late. I took four at home pregnancy tests that all came back positive. I remember sitting on Cassius's lap on the edge of our bed, waiting for the timer to go off. He had his chin rested on my shoulder, we both jumped when the alarm sounded and rushed into the bathroom.

We both stared at all the tests that clearly showed two blue lines on each of them. We were silent and still, he wrapped his arms around me and swung me around as we tears streamed down both of our faces. It was a mixture of happiness, excitement and fear that we both shared.

We waited to tell our friends because we wanted it to be a for sure thing. So I scheduled an appointment with my Gynecologist and got an ultrasound done that only confirmed what we had hoped; I was officially pregnant. It was too early to find out the sex, but we both glowed and couldn't wait to tell the kids.

It seemed like time was flying by after that. At twenty one weeks we found out that we're having a healthy baby boy and our friends threw us a gender reveal party where we celebrated the excitement. Fey and Jack were both so excited to add a sibling to our family and I knew they were going to love him so much. I dealt with awful morning sickness through out the entire first trimester.

It made it hard to get up and leave for work but I manage. My belly quickly grew and by five months I my stomach was huge, way larger than when I was carrying Fey. My lower back was constantly in pain and my feet were so swollen it hurt to walk. By seven and a half months I was put on bed rest by my doctor. I went on maternity leave early and that's when Cassius brought up the idea of me taking a year or so off work. I never even considered that because when I first had Fey I was single, and had to work to keep a room over our heads and food on the table.

When Cassius brought that to my attention I started thinking about it more and more. It was harder of a decision to make than I had thought, because I loved my job and worked so hard to get to where I was. But when I really deep dived into those thoughts, it made sense to take more time off. I wanted to be there for our son and Fey and Jack. Being a mom was always my dream and I had a great career so maybe it's time to try something new, which doesn't mean I'll never work again.

As my due date got closer and closer, I made the official decision to quit. As heart breaking as it was my boss completely understood and told me to reach out later on if I ever change my mind. We transformed one of the guest rooms into our baby boys room and I just finished putting away all his clothes. I'm sitting in the rocking chair, rubbing my belly and talking to him.

Sharing how excited we all are to finally meet him "Sharing some exciting stories?" Cassius says as he leans against the doorway.

"Always, telling him about how handsome and incredibly sexy his dad is"

"Oh yeah? " I nod and laugh.

"I didn't realize I could find you more attractive than I already do but seeing you pregnant and glowing is a whole new thing" he walks over and I reach my hands up for him.

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