Winner Winner

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The guys won their fifth game in a row tonight, they're 5-0 and looking championship ready. I practically lost my voice from yelling and cheering so hard. The team went out to celebrate and I decided to stay in and finish an essay I have due next week.

Around midnight I finally submit it, and lay on my bed as I search for a movie to watch. I hear a loud thud and then a bang on my door. I slowly stand and walk over hesitantly then I open it a little and peak out and see Greyson.

"Grey?" I ask confused and pull the door open.

"Hey" he says with whisky breath.

"Are you drunk?" He smiles.

"Maybe a little.... What are you going to do about it?" I laugh at how ridiculous he sounds.

"Come inside before you wake the entire floor up" he pulls him in by his arm and he stumbles.

I close and lock the door and turn to him laying on my bed. I climb in next to him and he lays on top of the comforter "What are watching?" I grab my lap top and continue scrolling.

"This" I click on Endless Love and he rolls his eyes. I jab my elbow into his side "It's good, just give it a chance" he sighs.

I press play and turn off my lamp. He snuggles up next to me and my breath hitches. We've never been this close before, his cologne is intoxicating. He watches the movie intently and every so often I sneak a peek at his face.

"You're supposed to be watching the movie Saylor" he says sarcastically and I bury my head in my pillow in embarrassment because he totally caught me staring.

He pulls it away "What's wrong?" He asks playfully and I push him back.

"You're annoying" he boops my nose and I stare at him so confused as he starts to crack up.

He composes himself and looks into my eyes "I want to kiss you so badly" he whispers and I'm completely taken back.

"Wha... what?" I ask and he remains neutral.

"I want to kiss you" he says it again and this time I hear him more clearly.

"Do it" is all I say and he hesitates and then leans in and presses his lips against mine.

The second our lips meet, its like everything falls into place. My heart beat steadies, and a wave of calm washes over me. His lips are soft and full of want, he wrestles my tongue and leans on me caressing my face with his hand. His lips devour mine and become more hungry, but I meet his every move.

I want him, I want every inch of him. I've never felt this way before not about Asher or any other guy. This is a whole new level of want, need, lust, and so many more things I can't put a name on. I know he feels it too, because he's kissing me back with just as much emotion. Like we've both been waiting for this moment to happen.

He pulls away before we both get too carried away and I whimper at the loss of his touch "Saylor" I open my eyes.

"Yeah?" He smiles.

"That was more amazing than I imagined" my heart is so full right now.

"I want you, all of you" his expression harden.

"I can't... we can't Say" I sit up and look at him confused and angry.

"What do you mean?" He sits up and straightens himself.

"After everything you told me... I'm not going to do that" the disappointment settled in.

"I'm not some breakable little girl Greyson, I've already told you that"

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