The Aftermath

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I wake up the next morning and hear concerned voices in the hallway. I slowly walk over to the door and listen.

"Why didn't you go up with her?"

"Because I wanted to hang out a little longer. That's not the issue here"

"Yeah it is, because if you were with her that wouldn't have happened. But instead you cared more about getting shit faced and talking to other girls"

"You don't know what you're talking about"

"Really? Because I know what I saw... why do you think I went to check on her in the first place?" My heart races as I listen to them argue.

Asher was flirting and hanging out with girls? What? I feel so confused, but I don't know if what Greyson's saying is true or not.

"I was having a good time because we won our game. There's no crime in that and she knew I was partying, that wasn't a secret"

Greyson laughs "She knew you had two girls grinding all over you? Right... If I hadn't checked on her God knows what would have happened"

"You need to mind your business. And I get that okay? Don't you think I feel like shit right now that I wasn't there to protect her? She's been through enough"

"It's hard to mind my own business when I see the shit you're doing. If you cared about her and her past then you would try your best not to put her through anymore pain"

"Isn't your girlfriend in your room?" It gets silent, but I feel the tension through the door.

I open it and they both turn and look at me "I'm going to the bathroom" I say as I walk past them quickly.

My head is spinning even more than it was last night. Between getting assaulted and Asher apparently flirting and dancing with girls, how much worse can all of this get? And why is Greyson being so defensive? What about Gina, she's just there.

I wash my hands then rinse my face and mouth. I fix my hair into a braid and step out. They're both standing in the hallway quietly. I feel uncomfortable and anxious after hearing them argue.

I walk by and hear Asher's foot steps behind me "Baby" he says in a low voice.

I quickly turn around "Is it true? What Greyson said... Were you with other girls all night?" He looks nervous.

"I was hanging out with friends, it's not as bad as he made it seem"

"We're you dancing and flirting?" I know in my heart that it's true, he's that kind of guy no matter how much I wish it wasn't.

"Yeah, I guess I was" he sighs.

"Then what is this? Us? It was your idea to be together, to be exclusive and now you all of a sudden  change your mind?" My body shakes as I stand there feeling so vulnerable.

"That wasn't my intention Saylor... I like you so much and I want to be with you" I roll my eyes in frustration.

"But, you want your cake, and to eat it to? You want me and whoever else, but I can only be with you? Do you not see how fucked up that is?? I fell for you... And you had no intentions of catching me" he takes a step towards me and I take one back, hold my hands up.

"I never meant to hurt you Say, I have genuine feelings for you. I guess I got wrapped up in having a good time, and I let it get in the way. I won't let that happen again"

"I need space Ash, last night was a lot... and I just need some time to think" his face drops, and he looks absolutely heart broken.

I go into his room and grab my things and change. I put my coat on and walk past him to the stairs. Greyson's standing there, watching as I walk out the front door.

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