Three Years

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I finally got Fey down for her afternoon nap and I'm cleaning up all her toys. The apartment is an absolute disaster, but that's because I barely have time to clean anymore. Between work, picking her up and dropping her off at daycare and trying to figure out dinner... it's a lot. I usually start on chores after I get her down or while she naps on the weekends; I wish I could nap.

I can't believe Fey's three, it feels like yesterday that my water broke and I was in labor. Every day I look at her and see more and more of Greyson in her, and it scares me that he will notice it too one day. Asher's been gone playing away games for the majority of his season. He was scouted at the last championship game and was offered a position on the New York Rangers.

After he got the offer we sat down and talked about everything. I had applied to multiple publishing companies trying to get a job in the field and even a couple journalist positions. When I hadn't heard back from any, I started to worry. I decided that I would do whatever it took and figured working at a restaurant was my last resort.

New York was always a place I could see myself living even though it's so expensive. Feyre and I lived with Asher who found a cozy two bedroom in a sly rise because of the money he got from his offer. I ended getting a job as a bartender and made better money than I thought. Because Asher didn't charge me rent I was able to save and pay half of childcare.

Putting Fey in daycare was bittersweet and took me time to trust and find a good place. Eventually we did and she absolutely loves it, to this day. I scored an interview at Harper Collins with the help of some regular customers I made and befriended. It was a whole process of five interviews and a lot of waiting until I finally got the offer a year ago today.

I am an assistant editor and absolutely love it. It's my passion and I even help some of the agents find new writers. The compensation was more than I planned and after months of living with Asher I was able to find a cozy two bedroom in Brooklyn.

It was weird not living with Asher and was definitely an adjustment, especially when she would cry for him. But it's been a year and now she's used to how it all works, but the hardest is when he's traveling during the season. He's been gone for a few weeks, comes home for a week and then will leave again.

But, he's living his dream and has worked his ass off, I know a part of did it for Greyson too. I would never get in the way of that, ever. Today it's Saturday and Lo is in town visiting until Tuesday. Her and Kallan live in Elmont, NY because Kallan is on the Islanders. Both Lo and I are so proud of how far the guys have come.

Lo is the manager of this beautiful bar/restaurant right on the water. She eventually wants to open her own, but for now she's happy and I'm happy for her...for them. Kallan had reached out to me last week about engagement ring hunting and it's been the hardest thing to keep secret.

"Wine?" Lo asks from the kitchen and I nod.

"Please, I need something to relax me" she laughs and walks over with two full glasses.

I finish folding the laundry and set it aside "So Asher comes back when?"

I take a big sip "Tomorrow but only for the week and then is flying to California to play the Kings"

"How have things been between you two? We haven't talked much about it" I sit back on the couch and cross my legs.

"We're fine, we haven't slept together since that time a while back. I don't want to think about that and complicate anything. Plus I have a date on Thursday with a co worker that I haven't told anyone about" her eyes widen and playfully smacks my arm.

"What?! Tell me everything" she says sounding way too excited.

"His name is Chace, he's technically one of the bosses, but we've been having a flirtationship for a few months now and he finally asked me"

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