The Game

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These last few weeks have been a blur. My school load has gotten heavier and I've been swamped with assignments and essays. I've been spending my free time at the guy's house, Greyson and I have been working on some homework and studying.

Tonight is their first game of the season and I'm nervous to go alone. Asher and Kallan flipped a count to see which of their jersey's I would wear tonight. I won't deny the disappointment I felt when Greyson didn't offer one of his. Then again he is the team captain so maybe he's not allowed to?

Kallan won the coin toss and brought his jersey to me yesterday. I have it on over a white long sleeve, a pair of grey skinny jeans and black Doc Martens. My hair is braided and I put on a full face of makeup. I even went as far as wearing this new Crimson red lip stick I got. I take one last look in the mirror before heading out.

I grab my coat and start walking across campus to the arena. The sun is setting and there's a cool breeze, dusk is my favorite time of the day. The sky is a beautiful mix of pink and orange and everything feels so serene and peaceful.

Once I get closer I follow groups of people inside. Next to football, hockey is the other big sport around here and the fact that the team is the best on the East Coast, doesn't hurt either. Everyone's wearing Crimson red and some even have face paint on.

School spirit is in full force tonight and it gives me a sense of excitement. I head inside and grab a coffee, then make my way to my seat. Thankfully I remembered my gloves, because it's freezing in here. I pull out my phone and get a few pics of the arena and crowd and send them to my mom with a selfie.

Shortly after over the loud speaker the announcer starts talking. Music blares as he introduces each team and everyone stands and starts cheering. I join them and take my coat off which causes a few girls to glare and whisper. I try to ignore them and search the rink for the guys. Greyson is first because he's the captain and Kallan and Asher are right behind him.

"I bet she fucked him and stole that jersey" a girl behind me says and her friend laughs.

I turn around and smile "I didn't need to 'fuck' anyone for this jersey. I happen to be friends with him and unless you have any other ridiculous accusations I would like to watch them game now" her eyes widen and she closes her mouth.

I turn back around feeling proud of myself. I clap and cheer as the game begins. It starts off intense, both defenses are strong and no one scores in the first period. A fight almost breaks out between Asher and one of the other guys, but Greyson quickly breaks it up. He's sent to the penalty box for a few minutes and once he takes his helmet off, he searches the crowd.

Girls are shouting his name trying to get his attention but the second our eyes meet his face lights up. I wave as he blows me a kiss which results in a few more glares, but I don't care. He turns around to talk to his coach and I smile proudly.

The next two periods are equally as intense. Yale scores and then we do, it goes back and forth. A fight breaks out and the boys look pissed. You can feel the tension, the game goes into overtime with Greyson scoring the winning goal. The entire arena erupts into cheer, I can only imagine how the guys feel.

The team skates off and heads back into the locker room. I wait a little until it's less crowded and then I make my way over to the front. I wait around like they asked me too and the second I see them, I run over and hug Asher.

"You guys were amazing!" I hug Kallan and Greyson after, they all smell freshly showered and like cologne.

"Thanks Say, it helped seeing our number one fan in the crowd" Kallan says and winks.

I blush, "So should we go out or keep it low key at the house?" Asher asks the group.

I stay silent and leave the decision up to them "Let's go out and celebrate, it's our first win of the season" I think we're all taken back by Greyson's decision.

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