Full Swing

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It's been a couple weeks since we got back from our trip to Cape Cod. The second classes started again I instantly felt the pressure and stress for finals which are only a few weeks away. I've been cramming in studying, writing papers and keeping up on my reading none stop to where I feel like I haven't had second to breathe.

These past few days I've been waking up feeling sick to my stomach. I blame the stress and exhaustion from my lack of sleep but today it's extra bad. I woke up before my alarm and sprinted across the hall to my bathroom and almost didn't make it to the toilet.

Kallan came rushing over to check on me but I shooed him away, assuring him that I'm fine.

I stand and splash water on my pale face and then brush my teeth. I stare at myself in the mirror and notice the dark circles and bags under my eyes. I sigh thinking back to laying on the beach in Cape Cod feeling the sun beating down on me. The memories feel so far away now even though it's only been a couple weeks.

I run a hot shower and when I get out Lo comes into my room and sits on my bed "Still throwing up?" She asks with a worried expression.

"Ugh yes, I think it's the stress" she stares at me with concern.

"Maybe we should get a couple...pregnancy tests at the store just to be safe?" I brush through my hair and turn to look at her in horror.

"It can't be..." I reach for my birth control to make sure I haven't missed any days and I haven't.

"Hey, I'm not trying to worry you okay? But maybe you should just in case... to play it safe" I hate this feeling but I know she's right.

"After class I'll grab a couple from the market" she pulls me in for a hug and then leaves my room.

I close the door to get dressed and try not to panic the entire time. How am I supposed to get through this day with that possibility lingering in the back of my mind? I walk to campus and grab a latte on my way when I'm on my way bump into Asher.

"Saylor hey" he says with his usual grin.

"Hey Ash" he gives me a hug and I notice the beautiful brunette standing next to him.

"Oh, is this Ava?" I ask with a smile and he nods "I'm Saylor, it's nice to finally meet you"

"Same, I've heard nothing but good things"

"Good, you never know with him" she smiles.

"I hate to cut this short but I have to get to class. Let's all hang out soon?" They both agree and we go our separate ways.

I finally make my way to my 19th century Poetry class and grab a seat in the very back. I pull my lap top out and sip on my latte. The class starts to fill and eventually the professor makes her way in. She dives right into her lecture and no matter how hard I try to focus, the possibility of me being pregnant is haunting my every thought.

Classes passes by slowly and I've barely heard a damn word. I have two more classes until I'm done and I don't know if I'm going to make it. What would happen if I am pregnant? Will Greyson freak out and leave me? He's about to go to the Championship again and there will be scout there this time.

Will having a baby derail the dream he's been working so hard towards. I run out of my class the second she dismisses us and I find the bathroom on the second floor. I burst into the stall and empty the coffee that was in my stomach. I gag until there's nothing left in me and then I step out and rinse my mouth out. I walk out of the building feeling awful, but I can't miss my classes.

I barely make it through my last lecture and the second we're finished I practically run across campus to the market. I make sure no one I know is around, and I grab two off the hook and go to the self check out. I shove the bag in my purse and have to resist running back to my apartment.

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