Wanting You

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It's been a few days since I slept with Asher. We woke up the next morning acting like nothing happened. Eleanor walked Fey over and she was so excited to see Ash, it was the cutest thing ever. I made us all pancakes and bacon, we watched Frozen for the millionth time and eventually Ash took her to the park, so I had some alone time to get things done.

She ended up staying with him that night and I spent my time cleaning, organizing and drinking a lot of wine. It's rare when I have a night to myself so I used my time wisely and enjoyed a bubble bath. He ended up bringing her to daycare the next morning which was also unusual so I was able to get in a work out.

The weekend passed by, Fey and I went to the zoo, the park, shopping and to the Farmers market. Asher joined us when he could and I ignored Chace's messages for as long as I could. Once Monday came around I braced myself for the awkward in person interaction we were going to have. I keep telling myself you have to tell him how you feel...or the lack of feelings you have for him really.

I'm sitting in my office working on a few different projects when there's a light knock on my door. I look up and see Chace standing in the doorway with a impartial look on his face "Morning Saylor" I force a smile.

"Morning, how was your weekend?" He steps inside and closes the door behind him.

"It was relaxing, what about you?"

"It was very... on the go" I say with a smile, thinking about Fey and how she had so much fun at the park yesterday.

He can tell I'm distant, more distant than usual "I enjoyed our dinner on Thursday..." he goes on more but all I can think about is Asher's hands and lips all over me.

I zone back in and missed everything he said "I...I need to be honest with you" his face drops "I had a fun time, but I didn't feel...I think were better off as friends and work colleagues" I try to say gently.

He stiffens, not used to reject but plasters a smile on his face "I completely understand Saylor, thank you for being honest" just then there's a knock at my door and Anna, the chief editor comes in to save the day.

"Sorry to interrupt but it's urgent" she says.

"I'll let you to be, I'll see you later Saylor" he half smiles and walks out, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Anna shuts the door and takes a seat, she pulls up a few manuscripts that we've been tag teaming. So for the next couple of hours we go through our editing process and talk about the logistics. The afternoon rolls around fast then I imagined when Asher asks me to meet him for lunch.

Around one I meet him at this delicious bistro right around the corner from my office. When I get there he's already at a table on the patio, the hostess walks me out and he stands to give me a hug. I take a seat across from him and feel nervous which never happens when I'm with him.

"You look beautiful as usual" he says with that boyish grin and I feel my heart flutter.

"Thank you Ash, how's your day?" I grab the napkin and set it on my lap as I scan over the drink menu.

"Good, I had an early practice and then meetings. Nothing crazy, what about you?"

"Honestly it's been crazy busy, I hadn't even realized it was lunch time until you texted me"

"Makes the day go by faster right?" I nod.

I feel him staring at me and I start to feel uneasy "What's good here?" I finally ask.

"Everything, but there pizzas are my favorite" the waitress grabs our drink order.

"What?" I ask, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

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