The Party

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They win their game which was huge, because they are officially in the Championship now. Lauren met me there and we ended having such a great time together. We head back to my dorm to change and get ready for the party. The whole walk back we talk and get to know each other more.

She's from Vermont, a very small town and couldn't wait to leave. Her parents are divorced and she has two brothers and a sister. She's here on a scholarship and works practically full time at the diner and is majoring in Business. We have a lot in common when it comes to our interests and hobbies.

She loves working out, reading, and movies. We're both introverts who have a hard time making new friends. When we get back to my dorm I change into a skinny strap, tight black dress with black heels. I touch up my make-up and straighten my hair.

Lauren's a blonde, she's a little taller then me and our body shapes our fairly similar, but she has a bigger chest. She's naturally pretty, but loves experimenting with makeup, so I let her do mine. She puts on a white crop top with a tight black skirt and heels.

She curls her hair and touches up her flawless makeup. We take some selfies in the mirror and she pulls out a bottle of vodka that she had brought over. We drank before the game and during, from her flask. We take a couple shots and then walk across campus to the guy's house.

When we get there it's already crowded and the music is bumping. People are drunk playing games, dancing in the living room or mingling. I see their teammates all around and some say hi. I pull Lauren into the kitchen where I spot the three of them talking.

"Hey guys" they turn to see us and smile.

"Hey Say" Kallan says and hugs me.

"This is Lauren, Laurens this is Kallan, Greyson and Asher" I notice Asher's eyes light up when he looks at her and a sting of jealousy hits me.

"It's nice to meet you Lauren" Greyson says with a grin.

"Drinks?" Kallan suggests and starts grabbing cups and alcohol.

We take a seat at the counter and talk while Kallan whips us up some concoction. Asher starts talking to Lauren and Greyson stands by me "Congrats on your win, you guys were amazing out there"

"Thanks Say, I had a feeling we'd win and I'm stoked we did" he looks over at Asher.

"Looks like he found his next target" he says playfully and I peak my head over.

I roll my eyes "Of course he did" Kallan hands us our drink and I notice Lauren totally check him out and I think Asher sees it too.

"Tell me about your beautiful self" Kallan says and she blushes.

They begin talking and Asher comes over to Greyson and I "He always does this" he says sounding annoyed, but not mad.

"Girls love him" I say with a smirk.

"Did you ask her?" He asks Greyson.

"Not yet..." I stare at them confused "So... for our big win would you want to celebrate with us?" he asks.

"Isn't that what we're doing?" I say and sip on my cocktail.

"He means... want to do some acid with us. We got it from a trusted source and have been saving it for tonight" Asher says proudly.

"I've never done it before... I don't know"

"It's safe and you have us if anything were to happen. It just makes everything vibrant and you feel so euphoric" I hesitate, but the curious part of me wants to try it.

They stare at me with puppy dog eyes "Ugh, fine I'll do it. But you're both responsible for me" their faces light up.

"Deal" Asher says and pull the tabs out of his pocket.

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