A Change in the Tide

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I sprint back to my dorm room before he can spot me and I almost throw up when I get there. I close my door behind me and bend over, trying to catch my breath. I grab my phone and debate on calling one of the guys, but how would they react?

I set it down on my desk and decide to cool down and shower before making a decision. I grab my things and head to the bathroom down the hall. I wash myself and shave my legs, then head back to my room. I peak out the window and notice it started to rain, so I put on sweats and a hoodie and take a seat on my bed.

I hit Greyson's name, but regret it once it starts ringing. I almost hang up, but he answers "Hey Saylor" I hesitate.

"Hey um are you busy?" I hear voices in the background.

"Not really, why? What's up?" I nervously swallow.

"Can you meet me at the coffee shop on campus?" There's a pause.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be there in twenty" we hang up and I grab shoes and braid my hair.

I grab my umbrella, and begin walking across campus. I keep my eyes peeled incase I see him again and luckily I don't. I reach the coffee shop and order a latte, then grab a table in the back and wait for Greyson. I scroll through my phone and stand to get my coffee when the barista calls my name.

I turn around to walk back to my table when I hear my name "Saylor?" My heart drops because I know that voice.

I slowly turn around trying to remain calm and composed "Yeah" is all that comes out and his eyes widen in shock.

He steps closer to me "Wow... it's been a while" he takes a good look at me.

"Yeah it has been" My stomach churns and I want to throw up and toss my hot latte in his face.

"You look... great" I hold back the bile rising in my throat.

"Thanks" I keep trying to sound disinterested so he gets the point.

Before he can speak, the door chimes and I see Greyson. He smiles when he sees me and walks over giving Paxton a curious look "Hey, sorry I'm late" he gives me a hug and stands next to me.

Paxton stares him up and down "Who's this?" Greyson asks.

"No one" I say and take his hand, leading back to my table.

I look back and see Paxton staring, eventually he walks out and I instantly feel relieved "What's going on? You sounded panicked on the phone"

I take a sip of my coffee "That guy that you just saw"

He nods "Yeah, Mr. No one according to you"

"Well...he's my ex...the one who raped me" his eyes widen and jaw tightens.

"Are you serious?" I nod slowly.

He's about to stand, but I grab his hand "Wait, Grey he's not worth it okay? Please don't do anything stupid. Promise me?" I stare at him intensely.

"Okay, I swear but if he ever comes near you again, I'll kill him" I see the seriousness behind his eyes.

"I believe that" we both smile.

"Did Asher come and see you yesterday?"

"He did, we talked and then watched a movie. I think everything's okay now"

"Good, I knew he would come around. I heard you went on a date?" My eyes widen.

"What? No I didn't. I went to grab dinner and ran into Matt who joined me" he gives me a smirk.

"Do you like him?" His expression changes again.

I sip my latte "Why do you and Asher assume that I like any guy I talk to or hang out with? I barely know Matt and he didn't try anything... he's nice"

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