God's Favorite Angel

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Rarity's POV: We wakeup around 1pm, still wrapped in each others' arms.

'Good morning sugar.' Apple Jack says, rolling over and crawling on top of you.

'I think you mean afternoon' I say, looking at the time on my phone.

She chuckles softly, straddled on top of me and lovingly stroking my hair.

The sun shines through the window, shining onto AJ's golden hair, creating a ring of light around her head.

'I swear God literally chose his favorite angel and sent them to me' I say, staring deep into her glowing, verdant eyes.

'If I'm an angel, you are the Holy Spirit' she says, leaning forward to kiss me.

Suddenly, we're interrupted by a forceful knock at the front door.

'I swear if that's Pinkie and Dash playing a prank-' AJ is interrupted by another series of knocks.

I run downstairs to answer the door, so as not to further anger the person on the otherside.

'Yes, who is it-', I say, before realising there's nobody there at all.

I look around for a moment, trying to see any trace of whoever was at the door. There's nothing, except a small bouquet of roses.

I excitedly look for a note, wondering if AJ had ordered a surprise delivery of flowers for me but, it's strange that she wouldn't have brought them over herself. I run my hands through the flowers, careful not to catch my skin on a thorn until, I find a small piece of paper, stuck between two petals. I open the note expecting to see a heartfelt message.

My heart drops.

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