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Rarity's POV: This week went so slowly. School was boring and I have barely seen Apple Jack. I want to see her today but I feel like she doesn't want to se me and I don't know why. I'm so exhausted because I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about her. I'm starving but I'm scared to eat because I don't want what happened the other day to happen again. I decided to get up from my bed and get dressed. I brushed and styled my hair in my usual curls. I grab a black crop top and some high waisted shorts and wear those. My room was really dark so I went open my curtains. I looked through the window, it was a sunny day and I thought a walk might clear my head and I knew exactly where I wanted to go.

(Flashback to 10 year old Rarity and AJ, 7th May)

Rarity's POV: I've just moved school and today is my first day there. Im really nervous that I won't make any friends. I could get a lift with my chauffeur but I wanted to fit in with the other kids at school so I wanted to walk. I walk down a few busy streets until gradually there are less shops, less houses and less people. I start to stroll threw a field


I stood in some mud and now it's all over my new shoes. Maybe I should've gotten a lift to school. I got through the mud and on to the next field. I was annoyed I was going to have to go through another icky, muddy field but when I looked up my jaw dropped. The next field was filled with gorgeous red roses. I eagerly wondered through the roses when I bumped into someone. I looked up at them. It was a girl. She was tall and although she was only about my age she was quite muscular. She had golden blonde hair, cute freckles, a pretty face and beautiful emerald green eyes.

"Sorry." I Said.

"It's ok. I'm Apple Jack who are you?"

"Rarity, lovely to meet you."

"So what are you doing in the middle of a field?"

"What are you doing in the middle of a field?"

"My Apple orchard is next to it. I'm on my way to school."

"Oh me too!"

"Canterlot Middle School?"


"Well That's were I'm headin' I'll show you the way."

When we got to school she introduced me to all her friends and we all immediately became besties.


I put on some shoes and strolled out to that field. It always reminded me of AJ. The flowers were at there best bloom in May and since it was late May they would be there for much longer.

AJs POV: I desperately want to see Rarity. To breath in her sweet scent, to touch her soft skin, to look in to her beautiful blue eyes but I've been making myself avoid her. It hurts to see her. I can't think when I'm around her. I know that if I start to think about her then I won't be able o get her out of my head. I think I need some fresh air, maybe I should go for a walk through the fields near my house. I want to go to the beautiful rose field where I first met Rarity. The roses always look amazing at this time of year.

I threw on my work boots and headed out. I ran threw the meadow until I reached the rose field. I walked in, sat down and looked at all the flowers. I was peacefully breathing in the smell of the roses. Mmm Rarity always smelt of roses, until I heard a voice behind me.

"Apple Jack?" They Said.

I turned around.


I can't believe Rarity was here too.

"Hello, darling."

"What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Oh I just wanted a walk."

I didn't want to tell her the truth. But I couldn't lie either.

"Yes me too. Also this is where we first met."

She remembers!

"That's why I came here too."

"But I thought you didn't like me anymore."

"Oh um, I just felt like being alone this week. Of course I still like you."

She smiled and looked relieved.

"I was getting kinda lonely. I'm really glad I bumped into you." I blushed and tried to cover my face with my hat.

Rarity's POV: I'm so happy I ran into AJ and that she still likes me. I don't know what I would do without her. I sat down on the grass beside her. It's was slightly wet and I really didn't want to get my outfit muddy but I didn't care when i was with Jackie. We talked for hours about the flowers and we told each other secrets. We talked about our friends and their relationships. About her and Rainbows dramatic end. She told me I could get any boy in the school. That's when it hit me. I already knew I loved Apple Jack but that was when I knew that I didn't want any boy. I would never want anyone else at all. I just want Jackie.

(Let me know if you liked this part. I am planning to make Rarijack a little bit more deep, emotional and personal than my Flutterdash book but if you want it to be quite light instead tell me. Love you lotsxxx)

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