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I've been thinking a lot since my afternoon with Rarity yesterday. I thought that I liked her but now I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her. I had to tell someone but I didn't know who. I couldn't tell Twilight or Pinkie , neither of them are very good at keeping secrets. Fluttershy gets nervous about these sorts of things. So I s'pose I should tell Rainbow.

When I got to school i couldn't find her anywhere. I was so relieved to see her at lunch, her and Fluttershy were really late for some reason. I grabbed her and pulled out to the woods at the back of the field, were nobody could here me tell her about Rarity. I got nervous and sweaty and i turned really red. I was so worried she would judge me but i guess she can't judge me after she cheated on me with Fluttershy but oh well, I have forgiven her now. The conversation was super awkward but this is how it went.

"I um, you need to promise not to tell anyone about this."


"Pinkie promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye. Now just tell me what it is."

" It's um Rarity."

"I knew it!"

"Would ya let me finish?!" Uh i was tryn'a tell her somethin' important.

"Oh right..."

" I think I like her..."

"Well have you told her?"

" No way!!!"

" I think you should."

"Not yet and don't you dare tell her."


I was so relieved that she didn't judge me but i was confused as to why she wasn't very shocked. Now i just need to avoid Rarity finding out before it ruins our friendship.

Rarity's POV:

I was up all night thinking about Apple Jack. Just thinking about her made me happy but also so depressed because i know that she will never fell the same away about me as i feel about her. I felt like it was a secret was locked up inside of me, i felt caged and alone. I had to tell someone. I decided to tell Fluttershy at lunch today. I love all my other friends but she was the best at keeping secrets and she would probably understand the most. We went into the girls bathroom when there was nobody in there.

"Fluttershy..." i said.


"I need to tell you something."

"Say whatever you need, I'm sure you'll feel much better after you got f your chest."

She was probably right.

"I trust you not to tell anyone."

"You can tell me anything."

"I have a small crush on AppleJack."

Ok so its more then a small crush but I couldn't tell anyone that i was head over heels in love with her.

"I won't tell anyone and i know exactly how you feel."

Oh I'm so glad i have such a supportive friend like Fluttershy. I just hope that Apple Jack doesn't find out.

We went back to the table in the cafeteria and everyone was looking at me. I was wondering why so as i looked in the mirror to see if there was anything on my face, i saw that i was redder than a tomato.

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