Heartbreaks & Happy endings

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Rarity's POV:
I can't believe she would do this. After everything. How could she ask me why I care? I'm her fucking girlfriend for crying out loud.
I go to my locker to get my things so I can get out of this hell hole. But I stop when I see an envelope at the bottom of my locker. I open It up and see a note.

I cried when I opened it. It was written in pretty messy yet beautiful cursive handwriting. It probably took a long time to write it. It read:

Dear Rarity,
I know you're probably feeling like we've been pretty distant at the moment. I can't even Imagine what's going through your head. I'm sorry I had to hurt you like this but I didn't want to hurt you more by screwing up in our relationship. Truth is, whilst I've been in relationships, I've never felt this way about anyone before and it's pretty scary because I don't know how to deal with all these new emotions. Honestly, my anxiety and depression have been out of control recently and I don't want you to have to deal with that, because I want you to be happy, really happy. And I've tried to tell you how I feel, but when I'm around you, I just can't find the words. But now I see that's exactly what I wanted to say. I'm speechless. That's just how I feel when I'm around you.  So I'm writing this letter to let you know that I'm sorry. Really sorry. And also that I love you. I love you a lot. I'm sorry that I didn't say It sooner and I understand now if that means you can't love me.
Forever yours, Apple Jack xxx

The last part is pretty smudged. It seems like she was crying as she wrote it. By this point I was already sobbing my eyes out. Until, I noticed something silver, shining from the bottom of the envelope. I picked it up and pulled out.
It was a necklace. There were three small pendants on it. On one side there was a diamond and on the other an apple. The letter R sat in between them. It was beautiful. Must've been very expensive.

I continued to cry until I saw a tall, blonde figure standing outside in the rain. They were walking away from the school. It was Applejack. I ran out after he onto the street.

Applejacks Pov:
I walked out of the school onto the street, pretty much crying uncontrollably. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I hear someone calling my name. The voice was more than familiar now. It was smooth and sweet. I knew exactly who it was. Rarity! What did she want?

"AppleJack!" She shouts
"AppleJack! I do too!!!"
"What?!" I shout back.
"I love you too!!!" She shouts and runs up to me, very out of breath now.
I start to cry again and I can see she's crying too. She takes a second to breath before jumping on to me. She hugs my neck and puts her legs around my waist like some kinda Koala or something. She crashes her lips into mine. We stay there kissing for a while just me and her, in the pouring rain, with tears streaming down our faces. It feels like we're the only people on earth. When she pulls away she hands me the necklace.

"I love you too Apple Jack." she says calmly this time.
"Do you still love me?" she asks.
"Of course I love you, always have, always will." I reply.
" In that case..." she says, gesturing to the necklace.

I get down on one knee. I knew we were going to remember this moment for the rest of our lives. I look up at her, she looks excited but I'm pretty sure she just wants me to get on with it. So I stare straight into her eyes and say...

"Rarity Belle, from the moment I met you, I knew you were the girl for me. You will never know just how much I care about you. So will you..."

I pause and hold out the necklace for her,  as if it were a ring.

"Rarity Belle, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend again." I ask

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She shouts. She pulls me back up and kisses me again. I spin her around and clip up the necklace on her. And then I spin back round and pull her in for a hug. And then we decide to get home so we can get out of this rain.
Is it possible that things will work out this time? I guess only time will tell.

(Authors note: Sorry If I got your hopes up there. You might have to wait a little longer
before anything like that happens.)

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