Rose Scented Kisses

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Rarity's POV:
I can't believe that I'm holding hands with the girl of my dreams and she's my girlfriend!!!
We walk out into the town stopping in a few shops until we reach the cinema. We decide to go in and see if there's anything to watch. There aren't a lot of options but we settle on  a romance adventure movie that captures our attention.

We buy some drinks and snacks and make our way into the movie theatre and sit down. After a while I start to get really cold. Jackie notices me shivering.
"Are you ok sugar?" she whispers
" I'm just a little cold."
she smiles and takes off her denim jacket.
"Actually, I'm quite warm, do you want this?" she puts it over my shoulders and uses as an excuse to put her arm around me. I drop my hand near hers, hinting that i want her to take it. She grabs it gently and places it on her knee. She strokes our fists with her thumb. I wish I could freeze time, I want to stay in this moment forever.

When the movie's over we head outside. The sun's beginning to set and we start to walk towards our homes. As we approach the gate of the rose field where our houses meet.

"I guess this is it." She says, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Unsure of what to do or say, I awkwardly lean over to kiss her on the cheek." But before I could, I feel muscular arms around my back. They pull me in and I feel Apple Jack's soft lips against mine. She picks me up gently and I wrap my legs around her waist. The scent of fresh roses tingles in my nose and the taste of sweet apples glisten on my mouth. It's crazy, we've only been together for a day and I'm already head over heels.

She carefully places me back down but I certainly don't feel like my feet are on the ground. It feels so right as if now, everything has finally started to align and make sense.
so much for being straight.

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