Drunk Dancing

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It's been a long week at school and we've all been waiting for the party but Rarity has made waiting bearable. We're becoming really close, even closer then we were before. I think one day I might be able to tell her how I really feel. Anyway right now I'm stuck in math and it's so boring. When the bell finally goes I run out of class and into the hall. I see Rarity at her locker. I casually walk over and say

"See you tonight."

"Bye darling."

I walk out to the gate and Rainbow and Fluttershy give me a lift home. They are so lucky they found each other. I know that I have already found my soul mate but she doesn't love me back.

Rarity's POV: it's only a few hours to the party and I need to get home. I get a cab home and as soon as I get there I run inside. First I shower, I've been at school in the heat all day and I refuse to anywhere sweaty. I was my hair and then dry it with a blow dryer. I straighten and curl it and style it until it looks perfect. I really want to look amazing for this party, especially since I am going with Apple Jack. I put on my dress. Grab everything I need and put it in a purse. I sit and watch tv with my little sister Sweetie Belle until Apple Jack arrives.

Apple Jacks POV: I'm getting ready to go to the party and usually I don't like to make an effort or look to fru-fru but I'm going with Rarity so I wanted to look nice. I put on a black mini dress that I got earlier in the week and went to see if I had any matching shoes. I looked around and found some black pumps that looked like they have only been worn once. I don't remember ever buying them but they fit perfectly and look nice so I decided to wear them. I looked at the time and I realised it was nearly 8 so I grabbed my bag, called a cab and left. I got to Rarity's just on time and she got in the cab looking absolutely stunning. Why does she have to be so beautiful? It makes her even harder to resist.

Rarity's POV: When I got in the cab with Apple Jack she looked so gorgeous. It looked like she really made an effort, which is unusual for Apple Jack. Maybe she really likes someone who is going to the party. If there is someone she likes, they have no idea how lucky they are. After about half an hour we finally arrived at Sunset's huge house, where the party was being held. We got out and went inside to find the rest of our friends. We walked around a bit and found Pinkie and Twilight talking in the kitchen. It's not a surprise they're here already, those two are never late. We asked if they had seen Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash and they hadn't. That's not a surprise either those two are always late. We followed the loud music and the shouting of people out in to the hall to get some drinks. After a few minutes Fluttershy and Rainbow came in. We all got some champagne got up to dance with everyone else.

Apple Jacks POV: Everyone was dancing a for a while until Rainbow suggested that we should do shots. We all agreed it was a good idea except for Fluttershy who had never done them before but she was willing to do anything that other people wanted to do. After several rounds we all started dancing again. After a few minutes we lost Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in the crowd and Twilight and Pinkie went to get more drinks. We were dancing, well wobbling, we were really drunk. She stepped closer to me and put her arms around my neck. I put my arms around her waste and we stared into each other's eyes. Suddenly I felt my lips press against hers. They were sweet and soft and she kissed back. I felt as if everything in my life was complete.

Rarity's POV: I can't believe Apple Jack kissed me. I'm speechless.

(Sorry I haven't updated recently. I've been really busy with studying and exams. More soon, love you lots. Xxx)

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