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Rarity's POV: It's been a couple weeks since my date with AJ. I've barely even seen her. And honestly I'm pretty pissed off. She's been completely ghosting me and I have no idea why. Usually I'd think it was something I did but I can't think of anything I did wrong and besides Apple Jack isn't really the kind to hold grudges.
How could we have such a beautiful date and all of a sudden she doesn't want to see me? or even talk to me! I genuinely don't know whether she's been avoiding me or she hasn't been going to school. Despite being angry, i'm also pretty worried. I wonder if she knows that.
She's been avoiding all my calls and only responding to a few of my texts with really basic answers . I just want to see her. Soon. I want to tell her I love her, because I don't think she has any idea.

AppleJacks POV:
I can't stop thinking about Rarity. About what's going through her head right now. I know I'm a shit girlfriend, always have been, I barely even cared when Rainbow Dash broke up with me. I mean I care about her a lot, as a friend, but it's different with Rarity, because I care about her as more than a friend. That's what's so scary.

Truth is with all these new and extreme feelings, it's taken a big blow to my mental health and I'm just so confused and scared to screw up and now I don't know how to face her. At first, after our date, I wanted to tell her how I feel, tell her I love her, but when I'm around her, I can't find the words. So now I've been avoiding her at school, instead of confronting my feelings. I know I can't hide forever so I decide to write her a letter, and maybe give her a small gift as an apology.

The next day:
When I get into school I slip the note into her locker.
I wait the whole day but I don't know if she's gotten it or if she's even opened her locker today. I give up on waiting so I decide to go to my locker and get my stuff to go home. I start to gather my things until I notice someone angrily strutting up to me.
It's Rarity of course. I've missed her beautiful face, even though her eyes are fiery now.

"Look who's finally decide to show up." She says aggressively.
"Rarity, I'm so sorry." I reply.
"Are you really sorry? Did you even think about how I feel."
"Of course I di-"
"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS!" she cuts me off, shouting
"You know what Rarity, why'd you give such a shit anyway?!"
"BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU! WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT?!" I can feel the tears start to well up in my eyes but I wasn't about to cry.
"Rarity, If you would listen to me." I try to say.
"You know what Apple Jack. I'm done listening. I'm done with this."

I grab my bag and storm out. I'm trying to look brave but really I'm just trying to hold back the tears.

Author: Oop sorry for leaving you here. If you're lucky I'll put up the next part soon. Also the music on my chapters is completely optional it's just for effect.

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