I really love her.

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains self harm and references eating disorders. Thankyou

Raritys POV:

After school everyone rushed off. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash drove off on Rainbows Motorbike. Twilight and Pinkie got the bus home and I couldn't find any of my other friends. I guess I was walking home alone. I put on my headphones and slowly strolled down the road. I stopped when I heard voice. It was a familiar voice, sweet and warm with a southern accent, mmm, AppleJack.

"Rarity! Rarity!"She shouted

I turned around as she ran up to me.

"Oh AppleJack, darling, I'm so glad to see you."

She blushed and smiled and that made me blush. Aww she's so cute. My stomach hurt but it wasn't bad. Actually it didn't hurt it just felt different, it wasn't like anything I've ever felt before.

"Do you mind If I walk home with you?" She asked sweetly.

"Not at all." I said, trying not to sound overly excited.

She tickled my neck and I giggled and ran away. She chased me down the street laughing. I giggled and screamed and after I ran out the corner I stopped to re-catch my breath. The summer was coming and I was hot and sweaty. I drank some water and felt some hands on my shoulders.

AppleJacks POV: After I chased Rarity down the street she stopped. I picked her up and she climbed onto my back. I have her a piggy back all the way to her house.  We ran in the sun.

When we got there I was red and sweating but Rarity was beaming with happiness, so I knew it was worth it. I carefully put her down and she stood and stared at me smiling. I looked into her sapphire eyes. I forgot all my problems and she made me feel like everything was going to be alright. Rarity was like a bright, shining, beautiful light in the pit of darkness I was in. I felt like I was glowing. She made me feel a little lighter. I blushed and looked away. If she found out I liked her it could ruin our friendship. I couldn't bear to lose Rarity. I loved her too much. I looked back and saw that she was still smiling at me.

"You still have to walk quite far to get back to the farm, do you want to come in and have a drink?" She asked kindly.

"Sure." I replied.

I followed her into her home. It was big and classy. There was a large hallway that lead to a huge, elegant staircase. There was a chandelier in each room and everything matched perfectly. Her parents were very rich but they loved to travel and were away a lot but due to the staff and of course Rarity's responsibility, the house was kept pristine. Rarity lead me into a fancy kitchen. Everything seemed a little bit unnecessarily over decorated. At home we only really had things that were practical but it was definitely beautiful. She opened a small bottle of sparkling water and put it in a glass that was half filled with ice cubes.

We sat on the stools at the island in her kitchen. We talked and laughed for a while. I looked at the time and realised I had to go even though I would do pretty much anything to stay with Rarity.

"What's wrong darling?" She asked.

"I have to go now."

"Well don't worry I'll see you tomorrow."

She walked me to the door and she hugged me. She was warm and her perfume was sweet, she held me gently and I never wanted to let go. But I had to.

Rarity's POV: Aww, AppleJack seemed a little upset that she had to leave. Well I really didn't want her to leave. I hugged her goodbye. She smelt earthy and of apples which was so nice. She was strong but she held me so softly. I felt safe in her arms. She was so sweet to carry me home, I know she's strong but she must've been exhausted. She makes my heart melt and my stomach is filled with butterflies. It's only been a couple of minutes since she left, but I already miss her. I felt warm and alive.

As the evening went on I felt colder and darker and more alone. I went into my room and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I just stood there crying because I knew AppleJack could never love me. I went down stairs and grabbed some ice cream which is what I usually did when I was really upset. I sat on my bed and hid under the covers and cried whilst eating the ice cream until all of it was gone. I looked in the mirror again but this time all I saw was a fat, ugly blob. I ran into the bathroom and threw everything up. I was a mess and I knew I needed help.

AppleJacks POV:

I left Rarity's feeling light and happy. I got a bit lonely on my way home. I visualised me and Rarity being together, loving each other I stopped when I remembered that  that was only a fantasy. I realised that Rarity was far to pretty, and popular and amazing for me. I started to get angry and I felt a fiery rage burn within me I went inside my house. My sister, Apple bloom grabbed me.

"What's wrong sis?" She asked.

I pushed her away.

"Just leave me alone!" I shouted.

I ran up to my room and collapsed onto my bed. I burst into tears. There were scissors by my bed and I cut my wrist. I felt worthless and alone. I looked across my room and saw a picture of Rarity and Me on my wall. We looked so happy, just as friends. I decided I was going to stop and just try and be happy as her friend. I guess if I was making her happy by just being her friend then that would make me happy too. I wasn't angry anymore but I felt happy but sad and unsatisfied, but I was sure about one thing, I really love her.

(Disclaimer: I am not making fun of bulimia/eating disorders or depression and self harm. These are both very real and serious problems which are not uncommon among teens. I am aware that many people go through problems like this and I would never shame or make fun of these problems. I myself are not a stranger to disorders or conditions like this and am very respectful of them.

Anyway I hope you liked this part. Usually my parts are quite short and I thought you deserved one that was a little bit longer. Love you lots xxx.)

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