First Date

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Rarity's POV:
I woke up, surprised to find myself in my own bed as I didn't remember anything after sitting with Applejack and watching the sunset last night. However as I glanced across the room I noticed a note had been left on my table. The note read:
'Morning beautiful, I know you might not see this until quite late because you were pretty tired last night, but If you're awake, come and meet me Sugarcube Corner for brunch at 12.
Yours, Applejack x'
Of course Applejack took me home, I don't know how I didn't guess. Damn, she really is incredible, who would've thought I would have someone that amazing
come into my life. Eager to see her, I got up and started to get ready to go. I picked up my phone to text Fluttershy about everything that happened and realised the time.
"SHIT! It's 11:45!"
I ran over to my closet and threw on a cream dress, grabbed my handbag and attempted to apply some mascara to my messy face that had yesterday's makeup smudged all over it.
'Ugh. I can't go out looking like this.' I thought to myself, but I was running late and besides I had a feeling Applejack wouldn't mind. So I called a cab and made my way over to Sugarcube Corner.

When I got there I saw Applejack through the window. She was sitting at a table. It seemed like she was kind of nervously texting someone.

Applejack's POV:
I sat inside of Sugarcube corner waiting for Rarity to arrive. I got her some flowers, roses they're her favourite, because I wanted to do this right. This could be one of the most important moments of my life and I really don't want to screw up. I was texting Rainbow to update her on what was going on.


Dash: bro that's incredible congrats
Me: she's meeting at Sugarcube corner for brunch in like 5 mins
Dash: so what's the plan now
Me: i think i'm going to ask her to be my gf.
Dash: OOF good luck bro
Me: ok i gtg, talk later


Rarity walks in and I stand up to greet her. We hug and she kisses me on the cheek before I show her to her seat.
"Sorry I'm a little late.'' she says
"No worries, I kinda suspected you might be."
I laugh nervously and decide to get straight to the point. I hand her the flowers and continue speaking.
"So erm, the reason I told you to meet me here, other than just wanting to see you, I... I wanted to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend. I know it's a little early but I really like you an-." I was cut of by Rarity leaning over and kissing me. She sits back and says
"Of course I want be your Girlfriend." she giggles.
"Oh thank goodness. I was really nervous because I'm really shit at stuff like this." I reply.
"Hey we should get some champagne."
"Rarity, It's 12 and you pretty much just got up, a little early for booze don't you think?"
"Darling, this is a celebration! It's like, our first date!"
"Well then, can't deny that reasoning."
So we order and laugh, and chat and eat for a couple of hours until Rarity gets a call from Fluttershy.

Rarity: Hi, darling are you ok?
Fluttershy: I'm fine, are you alright? You and Applejack both aren't at school today.
Rarity: Oh SHIT! It's a tuesday, isn't it?
Fluttershy: Yep
Rarity: Look babes, I've got to go, I'll explain everything tomorrow.
Fluttershy: Ok bye.

Rarity puts her phone down on table.
"It's a tuesday darling, we're meant to be at school!" She exclaims. Oh fuck I guess we were too caught up in our own world to notice.
"Well we may aswell make the best of the rest of the day, since we're already in trouble." We pay the bill and I take her hand as we walk out into the street.
Author's Note: Ok so I don't know how long for but, IM BACK BITCHES. I don't know if it's very likely that i'll continue to update really regularly because i'm so busy but i'll try to update this week and every-week after that maybe idk. Anyway thankyou always for your support and I hope you continue to enjoy this story. Ok a couple things:
I mentioned a while back that I felt that we should have more kids gay couples on kids tv, to help normalise being gay, and that i wrote to hasbro suggesting they should have a gay couple in mlp, anyway if you've seen the season 9 episode 'the last crusade' you will have noticed Scootaloo lives with her lesbian aunts🥳. Also I'm not fully caught up to date with season 9 so if anything doesn't make sense then please just correct me.
Thankyou, Lily xoxo

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