Chapter 28

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Jeremy nuzzled against me. "Lendzie?" Jeremy asked, moving his leg and rolling me over on my back.

"What?" I asked, looking up at him.

He stared me in the eye. "Uhmm. Hey.." He smiled.

"What..?" I said, smirking. "What do you want?" He looked away shyly.

Jeremy met my eyes again, he glanced down to my lips. "You're really beautiful, you know," he said softly.

"You're the only person that's ever said anything like that to me," I whispered, blushing.

"Really?" he asked, surprised. "I would've thought that you'd get that a lot." I shook my head. "Cause you're really hot," he whispered, dragging out the last word and closing his eyes as he did so.

"Uh.. thanks..?" I replied, still blushing.

"You're welcome." Jeremy smiled, moving so he was slightly over me, leaning his forehead on mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing," he replied, his nose touching mine. My breathing got heavy. We stayed silent for some time.

"Would you slap me if I kissed you?" Jeremy asked.

Dumbfounded, I stared at him, my mouth slightly open. He smiled softly and pressed his lips to mine softly.

I was shocked, though quickly got over it as I felt myself kissing back. His lips were surprisingly soft, considering he bites them a lot.

Jeremy pulled away. I let out a breath, smiling slightly. He grinned.

"We aren't really related, right?" he asked. I shook my head. "Good." He smiled, nuzzling into my neck.


"Where the hell are our parents?" Jeremy asked, walking in the bedroom. I shrugged. "I'm calling my dad," he said, grabbing his phone and walking downstairs.

I did my homework in silence.


I stood up with a sigh and ran downstairs. Jeremy was standing, his arms on the counter holding himself up. He clutched his phone in one hand.

I walked up and rubbed his back. He jumped slightly. He tapped his foot and licked his lip. "That went well.." He sighed.

"I see," I said, leaning into him.

"You and the band are the only good things in my life right now," he said, looking down at me.

"Oh, that's sweet." I smirked.

"I'm gonna see if the guys can get together. I need to scream." He nodded, pulling his phone up to his face.

"Can I come?" I asked. He nodded as he put the phone up to his ear.

"Neil, hey, um, are you free to practice tonight?" Jeremy asked. He nodded then hung up. The same thing happened with Kevin, Alex, and Josh. "Let's go," he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me upstairs.

He pulled on his Vans, and I pulled on my Converse. I grabbed my skateboard and we ran down the stairs.

He jumped on his bike and took off. I followed as quickly as I could.

We got to our destination in about twenty minutes. Jeremy ditched his bike beside four other bikes. I dropped my skateboard there too. Jeremy opened a gate and took me to a barn type of thing.

"What took you so- oh, hey Lendzie." Neil smiled.

"Hi," I waved.

"We don't live in Ocala, dimwit," Jeremy said.

"Oh, yeah.." Neil nodded. Josh walked up.

"Hey man," Jeremy greeted.

"Hey," Josh said, smiling weakly. I raised an eyebrow.

"Should we start out with an acoustic or-" Kevin began.

"ACOUSTIC!" I yelled. Jeremy looked at me oddly.

"Alright. Acoustic it is," Kevin nodded. I sat down next to Josh on the couch as Kevin picked up his guitar.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine," Josh nodded. I sighed and looked back up at Jeremy, Kevin, and Neil as they argued on what to play.

"Fine! Let's just let Josh and Alex decide," Jeremy said. "Josh, should we play "Last Request" or "You Had Me At Hello"?"

"Uhhh.." Josh scratched his head. "I dunno."

"Alex?" Jeremy asked, turning to Alex.

"Uh.. "You Had Me At Hello" I guess," he shrugged.

"Lendzie. You're the tie breaker," Jeremy said.

"Umm, "You Had Me At Hello."" I shrugged. I picked that one considering I'd never heard that song and I'd heard a portion of "Last Request."

Jeremy smiled softly and waited for Kevin and Neil to start strumming. "I'm missing you so much, I'll see you die tonight
Just so I can get to you before the sun will rise," he began.

After they finished, Alex was basically asleep and Josh was on his phone. But I was staring at them intently. "That... was amazing." I smirked.

Jeremy smiled and handed Josh his bass. "I wanna scream."

"Alright," Josh said, putting the strap over his head.

"Play me something random.." Jeremy shrugged. "I'll make up words."

Josh shrugged and looked at Kevin. Kevin shrugged back and started playing out something. Neil picked up a similar song. Josh and Alex joined in at the same time.

I'm not sure if they were all randomly playing or playing real songs that all sound similar.

"I am your alpha and omega, I am invincible!" Jeremy screamed. He's great at making up lyrics.

"What?" Kevin laughed when they finished.

Jeremy shrugged. Josh blinked at him. "How can you be an alpha and omega at the same time?" Neil asked.

"And why would that make you invincible?" Alex asked.

"It doesn't matter!" Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"That actually wasn't that bad," I said.

"Thank you!" Jeremy said, waving his arm in my direction. "She knows music!

"Yeah, okay," Kevin nodded.

"Jeremy stop being an alpha and let's play another song. I gotta go soon!" Josh said.

"Josh that didn't even make since," Jeremy said.

"I don't care!"


I felt Jeremy slide into the bed next to me. I shivered at the thought of sleeping with him again.

He pulled himself to my back. "Look, about the kiss.."

"What about it..?"

"I dunno. That's usually the part where you interject and say 'it's no big deal.' I never thought we'd get this far," Jeremy said.

I laughed softly. "Well, obviously you wanna talk about it. Turn the lamp on," I said, rolling over.

He flipped the lamp on and turned back to me. "I didn't mean to make things weird. I still wanna be your brother."

"I never said that you weren't my brother, and things obviously aren't weird enough if you're still in my bed," I said.

Jeremy smirked, "Can I kiss you again?"

"What...?" I asked. He smiled and leaned in, tilting his head. My eyes widened.

His lips met mine once again.

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