Chapter 63

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"Holy fucking shit, Jeremy!" Neil yell-whispered. I blushed softly and smirked. "Wow, okay, that's big." I wiped sweat off of my palms.

"Stop." I blushed harder. I was fighting against myself to keep my hands at my sides.

"Can I touch it?" Neil asked nervously.

I hesitated. "I... I don't know," I replied nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"That's fine," Neil said softly. I covered myself with my hands. Neil sighed and frowned. "I know you're weird about this stuff. Thank you."

"For what?" I mumbled.

"Trusting me. I know, for you, it takes a lot of trust to get naked around someone else," I said.

"Yeah," I whispered softly. Slowly, I slid my hands back to my sides. Neil stared, his eyes wide.

"GUYS!" Lendzie yelled, running down the stairs. I covered myself and Neil pushed the boner in his underwear down. Lendzie's face flooded with disapproval and jealousy. Josh stumbled down the stairs seconds after her. I blushed wildly and hid behind Neil before Josh could see me.

"What the fuck?!" Josh asked loudly.

"SSHH! Don't wake up Kevin!" Neil said.

"What the fuck?!" Josh asked quietly.

"Umm.." Neil said nervously. "I.. I accidentally walked in on him in the bathroom. He ran down the stairs and I came after him."

"Why did you run down the stairs?" Josh asked. "Why did Lendzie know you were down here? How did she know you were naked? Why is Neil hard?"

"Slow down, man." Neil sighed. "He ran because, remember, he's weird about the naked thing. Lendzie knew because she saw Jeremy run out of the room.. naked. And.. I'm not hard," he said.

"Yes, you are," Josh said.

"No, I'm-"

"Neil, yes you are!" Josh said, looking down.

"Josh!" Neil yelled, blushing and covering his crotch.

"Sorry, but you're hard, dude," Josh said, meeting Neil's eyes again. "Jeremy, what the fuck are you doing behind Neil? I know you're naked, stop hiding."

"Uhh..." I stuttered.

"Come out!" Josh demanded. I started sweating even more.

"Leave him alone," Neil said.

"Jeremy, come out here!"

"Dude, leave him the fuck alone!" Neil growled.

"Why are you so-"

"Just.. go away!" Neil yelled, pointing up the stairs.

"Why?!" Josh yelled back. I started shaking.

"You know Jeremy is weird about being naked! You're scaring him!" Neil yelled.

"I'm scaring him?" Josh snorted.

"Yes!" Neil replied.

"Jeremy, come out here!" I whimpered. "Come on! I won't fucking hurt you."

"Josh.." Lendzie stepped in. "Just go back to sleep."

"No! I want to know what the fuck is going on and I want Jeremy to come out here right now!"

"Why do you want Jeremy to come out so bad?" Neil asked.

"Because he's being a fucking coward. He needs to learn how to stand up!"

"His spine isn't broken," Lendzie said. Josh glared at her.

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