8 - I Dont Believe in Soulmates

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"What are your parent's names?" Hunter asks Koda, bending down to his level.

"Mike and Hawley?" Koda replied, holding on to Hunter's hand.

"Okay, can you stay with Y/n and Eda? I'm going to be right back." Koda nodded and Hunter took off to the castle real quickly. There was a record of Boiling Aisles citizens so he can borrow that and use it to find the children's families.

He entered the window to his room and changed into his Golden Guard uniform and from there made his way to the law office. On his way down he ran into Kikimora, to which he scoffed. "Hello Golden guard! Been up in your room all day? What lack of productivity. What would Belos say?"

"Shut up Kikimora." He scoffed as he walked past her.

He entered and looked through a couple of drawers until he found a file. It had the names and the address of the residents next to them. "Perfect." He said and went back up to his room.

"What have you got there?" Kikimora asks.

"What does it matter to you?" He turns to her.

"Oh, just making sure you aren't doing anything risky is all. Don't want any plans foiled or anything. You are just a child after all."

"A child?" Hunter kneels to her level. "At least I'm out there helping people, and what are you doing in here? Spreading rumors? Planning my downfall? You know, I may be younger than you, but you act more like a child than anyone." She gasps with offense. "And your look completes it."

"How dare you!" She shrieked. "You accuse me of being defective!? I am far more important than you will ever be! Just you wait and see when I replace you!"

"I'm sure you will Kiki." He turns and walks away again.

He changes back into his commoner clothes and heads back out to town with the file safely tucked in his bag. When he arrived back at the scene with the others he looked through the file. "Okay, Mike and Hawley... What's your last name?"


Hunter scanned down the list and looked for a Mike or Hawley Blackthorn. "They live closer to Latissa." He says tapping the address with his finger and then looking up to Y/n and Eda. "I'm gonna take this kid back to his home, I'll be right back." He says, hopping on his palisman and getting Koda on in front of him.

"Wait." Y/n stops him and hands Koda a sandwich she bought from a market. "Here, get your energy back, little guy." She pats his shoulder and sends the two off.

Hunter kept his hood on the entire time before he got on his palisman since the wind blew it off his head. Koda held onto the palisman but ate his food with the other hand. In the middle of eating he spoke with Hunter. "Is that girl your girlfriend?" He asks, curiously.

Hunter looked down at the kid with an eyebrow raised, shocked by the sudden personal question. "What makes you think that?"

"The way you looked at her." He voices before taking another bite of his sandwich.

Hunter recalled the moment before they took off and rolled his eyes a little. Koda was right, he stared a little while she aided Koda but he didn't think it looked like anything more than giving her his attention for the moment. "No, she's not. You don't know what you're talking about."

"My parents look at each other like that. It means they're in love." He continued.

Hunter shook his head. "I'm not in love." He claims. "You can care for someone without being in love with them."

"But denying your feelings for too long causes pain." Koda shrugged. "She thinks you two are soulmates."

Hunter shook his head. "You must have heard her wrong. Besides, I don't believe in soulmates."

"Well you two are made for each other, I can tell."

"How old are you?" Hunter asks, getting irritated. Koda answered 9 and Hunter sighed. "Why am I getting told off by someone who hasn't hit double digits yet."

"You two think the same."

"How about we change the subject! Huh?" Hunter suggests. "Red or green apples?" Koda hums to himself with this observation.


Y/n snatched some money from Hunter's bag before he left. "I'mma borrow this. Who's hungry?"

She went into the market to buy some food for everybody. There were only 10 people so she split the money she took and what little she already had on her to buy some sandwiches. Then she handed them out to the people before asking questions. Where they lived, how long they've been missing, names, ages, all the info she needed to get them back home. Some lived alone and some lived with parents or other family members so she did her best to remember names and then planned to escort them back home.

While she was buying the food, the kid from earlier, that Hunter saved, tugged on her shirt. "Miss, where did Hunter go?" He asks.

She looked down at him. "He went to get something to help real quick, he'll be right back." She explains. "He will escort you home if that's why you're asking."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Y/n snorts with a crooked smile. "Ha! No, why?"

"You two act the same as my mom and dad." He says, peeking over the counter.

"Oh, yeah? How so?" She replied but was honestly paying little attention.

"Soulmates can read each other's minds."

Y/n laughs. "I can read everyone's mind." She was joking around but Koda took that statement seriously. "Here, can you help me carry these?" Y/n hands him 4 of the sandwiches to carry and they walked out of the shop.

As soon as they got outside he continued. "You act alike."

"Oh really? What makes you say that?"

"The way both of you wanted to come save me." He claimed.

"Anyone would help someone with a face like yours." She pinched his cheek which made him laugh. "Why do you think he's my soulmate really?"

"Uh... Because soulmates are meant to be together so it must be easy for them to work together!" Y/n raised her eyebrows in shock. "And they think the same, and they love each other even if they like different things or they don't like something the other does."

"Okay, okay!" Y/n chuckled and calmed him down, convinced if he talked any fast he would run out of breath. "I guess he must be my soulmate then." She shrugged. She didn't believe this, but for the kid's entertainment she went along with it and agreed with him.

"You think so?"


Published: Feb 15, 2022

Happy late valentines day everyone!

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