29 - Warehouse be dangerous

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This is the best visual I have of Grayson rn, I don't really have one of Oak. Grayson green, other dude not relevant here.


Luz, Eda, and King followed Hunter through the Isles, visiting different locations with warehouses but no such luck yet. "How are there so many of these and I haven't found one in my time here?" Eda scoffed.

"They aren't meant to be stumbled upon. To prevent theft we had to put them in specific locations that you can only find if you looked for them."

"Sounds complicated." Eda says and follows Hunter as they lower to the ground from the sky. Another warehouse that probably has no signs of Y/n. They land and Hunter looks around for a hole or crack to peek through. There's no illumination of light visible from the outside so for all they know, it's empty, but they wanted to make sure.

He found a small eroded area that was just wide enough to peek through inside and he saw light along with people. Standing around, walking, moving around. There wasn't much he could make out through this hole but there were people; he could tell. Hunter whispered over to Eda and Luz, "There's activity inside." He says and they nod. "Let's find a quiet way in to investigate; if she's not here, we'll keep looking." They nod and all walk around the premises silently examining every square foot.

Hunter made it to the far left corner from the front of the building and found an eroded hole just big enough to squeeze through. He decided to investigate without calling Eda or Luz and went it.

It's shocking this wasn't covered up considering all the important stuff that was stored in here. Animals could get in and nest when everyone is gone, or someone can sneak in.

The hole was covered by crates so it was a little more difficult to get in. He was cautious but felt his only option was to try and push them. He was confident he could move them but to do it without making a sound was the issue. Luckily some commotion erupted from inside. Despite his panic he concluded that no one would be distracted by boxes moving themselves if something his happening in there so he started pushing through without hesitation. "Man this will be so much wasted energy if she's not here." He mumbled to himself and pushed more. They were heavy which brought curiosity as to what was inside them...

Eventually he was able to squeeze through and peek out into the commotion. It seems the crowd was angry at something they were gathered around. Someone? He tried to sneak his way through, hoping that maybe with all these people they won't think twice about him being an unfamiliar face. He walked right into the crowd without a thought in his mind and made his way toward the front to see and when he saw what the center of attention was his eyes widened. She was here but what kind of situation is this? What exactly is going on?

They found her out, clearly. She's still working on her lying and masking skills but she's getting there. After explaining how she is friends with the Golden Guard, Grayson asked her strictly if she or he knew about this place, to which she shook her head. He then asked her how she can help them long term.

"Trust won't automatically be given to you because you have connections. What can you do long term?"

Y/n snapped her fingers and pointed to him. "Legal records, addresses, locations. I know how to get all of those. I'll show you the best businesses to steal from, the richest people to ransome, all that shazam." She says confidently. "I can get you any equipment you need from any location."

Grayson and Oak look to Henry then back to Y/n. "Impressive... Except none of it's true, is it?" Y/n's pupil's shrink in shock. "We'd like to believe you. Believe me someone like you would be very helpful here but I've noticed something. Why would you want to help us if you're so into helping people? I mean you said you and The Golden Guard worked together to keep the public safe, and you saw our plans that clearly demonstrate convoluted genocide." He raises his chin. "Also, the potion I gave you was a sleeping potion."

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