25 - Hooter, LOL

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I wanted to learn formula 1 racing but LOOK AT THE STEERING WHEEL!
I get scared driving a car that's not my dad's truck, ain't no way man.


"I can't talk to her..."

"Well, why not?" Hunter jumps back in shock at the voice of Hooty floating ominously and curiously by Hunter as he asks the question but really only strikes a fearful discomfort in Hunter.

"For the love of... I forget you're there." Hunter sighs and rubs his face.

"Hoot, everyone does. It's a special gift! I can be anywhere and hear anything!" He says in his annoyingly high voice but stretching the pronunciations to add an even more chilling tone.

Hunter thinks to himself 'that's creepy' and takes his leave immediately. The behavior of the bird-like creature that Eda seems to consider family is a little too creepy for him to consciously hang around with.

The sun was setting and lit his skin in an orange hue as he walks in the direction of the sun. He squints from the rays shooting directly in his face until taking cover in the forest to get to town to find Y/n again. He didn't plan on talking about it but honestly doesn't know where else he would go right now and he doesn't wanna hang around Hooty. To Y/n it was.

He stops by the shop where Marley and his kids seem to arrive at now. Marley greets Hunter with a wave and his signature squinted eye smile. "Hunter, boy, how did today go? Is the girl not with you?"

Hunter enters the empty shop with a wave and explains briefly. "It was fine" He says briefly and looks around, still searching for Y/n even though it's clear she isn't present. But with the the behavior Hunter is expressing, Marley tilts his head to question if something happened. The worry and sadness on Hunter's face gave away that something bad did happen.

"Is she alright?" He asks, placing his hands on his hips, quite worried that something much worse occurred compared to what actually occurred.

Hunter rubs the back of his head. "She just disappears sometimes," he mumbles and looks back to the doorless entryway. "maybe she went back to the house..."

Marley places a hand on Hunter's shoulder before he could take a step toward the exit. "Is everything okay?" he asks, discernibly concerned. "Is she in danger?"

Hunter shakes his head with a panicked wave. "No, it's a small issue that I'm sure I can fix once I find her. Everything is fine." He explains as calm as possible.

Marley gains an understanding quickly and raises an eyebrow. He doesn't say a word in his mind though and let's it go, trusting that Hunter will sort it out. "Then I'll see you kids in the morning."

"Yes! You will!" He points to him as he leaves. His posture stiff as a board.

One of Marley's kids looks up to him with concern in her expression and voice as she speaks. "With the way he was acting, I think he did something bad." She says while tapping his elbow with her index knuckle.

His expression jumps with dismay. "What do you mean?"

Hunter walks briskly back to the Owl House hoping she is even there. Unfortunately, Hooty is still enthusiastic with him when he arrives and won't leave him alone.

"Oh! Goldy! You're back!" He hoots but Hunter brushes him off with irritation. "I have an idea! Since you're having relationship issues with Y/n." Hunter walked around, forgetting his task and getting even angrier with Hooty. "Now, I haven't gotten the time to flesh out each plan, but," he coughed up a notepad with poorly written and drawn information on it but held it in his mouth as he talked which made him sound muffled. "Now, firtht I ha' de idea to-"

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