Chapter 02

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"Viruses can only replicate within the host organism which means that it is impossible for the virus to thrive in surfaces. However, there are viruses that could still be transmitted through the surface and to the opening of our body like nose, eyes, ears, and mouth. Some instances, a virus could enter our body through any opening to our skin like abrasions."

Classes. I hate classes. It makes my head hurts and by the end of it, it also makes my stomach empty. Yawning behind my book so our teacher couldn't see, I look around the classroom.

Most of us were either sleepy or not interested at all, some are listening but I could count them using my fingers. Looking beside me, I could see Jihyun falling asleep with her chin propped on top of her palm and elbow on top of the desk. I chuckle silently, kicking her legs under the table.

This made her to jolt up, surprised. Her chin slip up from her palm and hit the desk with a loud thud. The sudden loud sound not only wake the others up but also manage to surprise other students who are focus on the class—even our teacher.

"Ms. Cheon, do you have any violent reaction about what I've just said?" Mr. Park questions, looking up from the textbook he was reading. He's not really teaching, he's just reading the textbook so not listening would not change anything. I could just read it by myself and just do self-study.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Jihyun glaring at me. The textbook, which I propped open on top of my table with the purpose of hiding my mouth and down serves its purpose because I couldn't stop myself from laughing silently.

"None, saem. Just very impressed about the history of Korea, that's all." At her statement, the whole class laugh—including me which immediately tells Jihyun that she made a mistake.

From the front, I could see Mr. Park's brows furrowing in confusion, "Ms. Cheon, you're on biology class, not history." Which causes more snickers from the class.

However, Jihyun being used to this played it cool, "Of course, saem. I'm just joking to wake the class up," she even stood up and motion the whole classroom, "see? All of them are awake now."

The ever gullible teacher just nod and even thank Jihyun for her "courteousness". This girl could survive literally every sticky situation she came across with. Jihyun sat back down, pinching me in the elbow which made my smile fall.

"Why do you have to be so brutal?" I complain as I rub my sore elbow.

"You started it first. I'm having a dream about Park Chanyeol but you have to be a bitch and interrupt it." She reasoned out. Oh, her and her obsession with Park Chanyeol, I would never understand.

I shrug but didn't reply. I turn to Mr. Park, not really listening, just staring. It was maybe a couple of minutes before nature starts to call me.

I raised my hand slightly to which Mr. Park immediately noticed, "Yes, Ms. Choi? Do you have any question?"

I shake my head slightly, "Can I go to the restroom, saem?"

Mr. Park gave me his permission, to which I immediately stood up.

"You're not really going to the restroom, are you? You're just going to the cafeteria. Great Pretender." Jihyun commented silently to which I stick my tongue out.

"Bring me back a cookie, will you? Oreo double-stuffed, please." I heard her say before I could completely walk away from our table.

I do really need to go to the restroom, though so I made my stop to the lady's room first before going down to the cafeteria to buy a small snack—or maybe not that small.

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