Chapter 25

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Third Person's POV

Minra sat on the railings of the rooftop, her feet dangling as she looks down at the zombies roaming around the field. Her hair was being blown back by the air, the cold breeze nipping her bare skin. Her blanket hanging on her shoulders.

She felt a presence behind her yet she didn't need to look to know who followed her here.

Wujin climbed on top of the railing, standing beside Minra. The lass didn't turn to his direction so he leans down to poke her shoulder, "Do you have a band-aid?"

Minra looked up and it took Wujin his whole strength to not fall because she looks so adorable looking up to him, "I don't really have a band-aid with me. Why? Did you get hurt?"

Wujin nodded, sitting beside her and following her in dangling both of his foot down the edge, "I scraped my knees falling for you."

It took Minra every ounce of her strength to not push the lad to his death so instead of physically harming him, she deadpanned at him, "Do you want me to push you over the edge so you would not only scrape your knees but also bash your head?" Minra couldn't help the cringe anymore, she punches Wujin on the shoulder.

The lad winced, clutching his aching shoulder, "Since when did you get so strong? I think you broke my shoulder."

Minra's eyes widen, thinking that she must've miscalculated the strength she put on the punch. She looks at Wujin worriedly, holding his shoulder, "Really? I'm sorry." she apologizes sincerely.

Since she was looking at his shoulder intently, she didn't notice the playful smirk playing on Wujin's lips, "Maybe you should kiss it better?"

The worry on Minra's face dropped as she glare at the cheeky guy, "Aishi," she slaps him hard on the same shoulder and this time, Wujin really winces in pain for real.

Silence covers them after that, their breathing pattern synchronizes as they look from a far. Minra's mind is free of thoughts as she stare ahead of them, contrary to Wujin who's really sweating bullets because of nervousness. He heave a sigh, gathering all of his courage once again.

"You know you can just tell me what you want to say, I can feel your nervousness from over here." Minra stated without looking at him.

He blushes but clears his throat, "It's true."

Minra turn to him, "What is true?"

"What I've said earlier," Wujin started, "I like you---I really like you since the first year. I've first seen you on the Archery Center and my heart seems to never belong to me anymore after that. You were there for the tryouts while I was there to visit my sister."

"Yah! Wujin-ah! Come on, what's taking you so long! I want to see my future wife!" Dae-su whined to Wujin as his best friend is taking too long to move.

Wujin turned to glare at the taller guy, tip toeing to smack his friend in the back of his head, "I told you to stop calling my sister your future wife! I don't want you to be my future brother-in-law!"

They start walking out of their room, "You're going to be my brother-in-law in the future so I'm just getting you used to it." Dae-su put his arm around his best friend's shoulder.

The moment they step inside the Archery Center, they were greeted with the Archery team and some students on his year. The sound of arrows whistling as it left the bow and soar through the air before it penetrates the wooden target entered their ears. Wujin immediately try to find her sister but he couldn't see her anywhere.

"Noona is not here, let's wait for a while," Wujin lead the way towards the chair at the corner. They sat patiently.

"I've never seen these people before. Are they new?" Dae-su murmurs as he watch the students wearing school uniforms contrary to the official members of the team who were all wearing the team's jersey.

"I believe Noona told me that they were holding try outs for the juniors today." Wujin answered, eyes not focusing anywhere.

As he looks around the center for his sister, his eyes caught the girl walking towards the green line on the floor across the targets.

Wujin felt his heart stops, his breath hitch as the time seems to slow down, his surrounding being muffled as he follows every movement of the girl. His eyes dilates when he caught what the girl looks like.

She was wearing the standard uniform neatly. Their uniform was ugly in Wujin's opinion but it looks perfect on her. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail, cascading down her shoulders with pieces of hair framing her face. She was holding a black and gold recurved bow.

He watches as the girl take her stance, putting the arrow on the bow before pulling back the string. Her eyes sharp and focus to the target. And then she let the string go, the arrow soar forward, creating a faint wheezing sound as it cut through the air before it penetrates right at the second smallest circle in the target. She did it three times, all of the arrows piercing the yellow circle and one even pierced through the very center.

Suddenly, his body lurches forward and a stinging pain spreads on his shoulder, "It's Ha-ri noona!" Dae-su fanboys, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the direction of their Senior without his permission.

However, his eyes was glued to the girl and he was so lucky to caught her name.

"Welcome to the team, Choi Minra."

"Ever since that day, you always run in my mind 24 hours. Never once failed. I can't stop thinking about you and the way your eyes look at the target with determination. I thought it was just a simple crush but as time passes by and I couldn't seem to forget about you. Since that day, I always use any reasons to visit the Archery Center. Just so I could see you," Wujin finishes.

Minra was silent for a second and Wujin feared the worst, "Why did you approach me just now? When things are going haywire?"

Wujin averted his eyes, "I-I'm really scared that you would reject me." he suddenly rip his name tag from his chest.

Wujin grabbed Minra's hands from under the blanket, opening her palm and placing the red rectangular fabric on her open hand. Minra was too stunned to react as Wujin closes her hand and hide it back on the blanket, "I know you like Lee Su-hyeok but can you keep my name tag for me and don't answer my confession yet. You can tell me your answer once we get out of here and to the safety. I want something to look forward to so I would get motivated to survive no matter what happens."

The lad leaned in, kissing her right on her forehead before he stood up, "That way, you will have enough time to think that I can be better than Su-hyeok, you just have to give me chance to prove it." he turns around and hop off of the railings.

Wujin felt a weight got lifted from his heart, a smile playing on his lips. Unknown to them, someone had watch the whole encounter and he's clenching his fist so hard.

"It seems that you're too late now, Lee Su-hyeok. Wujin had beaten you to it. Why did you even wait for long when you were given enough time to confess first," Su-hyeok's jaw clenched at Nam-ra's words.

Minra look at her close hand, the corner of the red fabric peeking out from her hands. She's deep in thoughts once again, face not showing any emotion. However, her train of thoughts got interrupted by a commotion from behind her.

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